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K State Course Reviews

Kansas State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AGRON 515Soil Genesis and Classification00000
AGRON 662Rangeland Watershed Management00000
AGRON 660Grassland Monitoring and Assessment00000
AGRON 655Site Specific Agriculture00000
AGRON 646Soil Microbiology Laboratory00000
AGRON 640Cropping Systems00000
AGRON 630Crop Improvement and Biotechnology00000
AGRON 615Prb/Soil - Top/Vary By Student00000
AGRON 605Soil and Environmental Chemistry00000
AGRON 600Prb/Crop - Top/Vary By Student00000
AGRON 560Field Identification Of Range And Pasture Plants00000
AGRON 680Plant Genetics00000
AGRON 501Range Management00000
AGRON 425Forage Quiz Bowl Team00000
AGRON 405Internship In Agronomy00000
AGRON 385Soil Fertility Laboratory00000
AGRON 360Crop Growth and Development00000
AGRON 340Grain Grading00000
AGRON 330Weed Science00000
AGRON 305Soils00000
AGRON 220Crop Science00000
AGRON 880Plant Molecular Biology00000
AGRON 980Genomic Analysis for Crop Improvement00000
AGRON 960Top/Crop Phys & Ecol - Top/Vary By Student00000
AGRON 950Advanced Crop Ecology00000
AGRON 935Top/Soils - Top/Vary By Student00000
AGRON 920Advanced Topics in Agronomy00000
AGRON 910Top/Plant Breeding - Top/Vary By Student00000
AGRON 902International Agronomy Experience for Graduate Students00000
AGRON 899Master's Research00000
AGRON 893Agricultural Simulation Modeling00000
AGRON 101Agronomy Orientation00000
AGRON 843Advanced Forage Management00000
AGRON 835Nutrient Sources, Uptake And Cycling00000
AGRON 824Advanced Weed Ecology00000
AGRON 820Plant-Water Relations00000
AGRON 800Adv Prob Agron - Top/Vary Title by Student00000
AGRON 781Ecology of Invasive Species00000
AGRON 746Environmental Soil Physics00000
AGRON 700Agricultural Meteorology00000
AGRON 682Grassland Fire Ecology00000
AGRON 550Forage Management and Utilization00000
AGRON 681Range Ecology00000
AGRON 670Prb/Range Management - Top/Vary By Student00000
AGRON 661Grassland Monitoring and Assessment Lab00000
AGRON 650Integrated Weed Management00000
AGRON 645Soil Microbiology00000
AGRON 635Soil and Water Conservation00000
AGRON 620Applied Crop Physiology00000
AGRON 610Biotechnology00000
AGRON 602Agronomy Capstone Experience00000
AGRON 598Undergraduate Research in Agronomy00000
AGRON 695Climate Change and Agriculture00000
AGRON 502International Experience in Agronomy00000
AGRON 450Crops Team00000
AGRON 415Soils Judging00000
AGRON 400Topics In Agronomy - Top/Vary By Student00000
AGRON 375Soil Fertility00000
AGRON 350Plant and Seed Identification00000
AGRON 335Environmental Quality00000
AGRON 325World Food Crops00000
AGRON 302Agronomy International Study Tour00000
AGRON 881Grazing Ecology and Management00000
AGRON 999Phd Research00000
AGRON 970Advanced Plant Breeding 100000
AGRON 955Soil Microbial Ecology00000
AGRON 945Soil Mineralogy00000
AGRON 930Top/Plant Genetics - Top/Vary By Student00000
AGRON 916Advanced Soil Physics00000
AGRON 905Advanced Soil Chemistry00000
AGRON 900Micrometeorology00000
AGRON 898Master's Report00000
AGRON 202Introduction to Precision Ag Software00000
AGRON 860Applied Plant Breeding00000
AGRON 840Crop Physiology00000
AGRON 832Grassland Plant Identification00000
AGRON 822Herbicide Interactions00000
AGRON 816Soil Physics00000
AGRON 810Agronomy Seminar00000
AGRON 790Range Management Planning00000
AGRON 762Range Grasses00000
AGRON 732Introduction to Plant Resistance to Pests00000