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K State Course Reviews

Kansas State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 632Elementary Partial Differential Equations53551
MATH 511Introduction to Algebraic Systems53541
MATH 716Applied Mathematics II00000
MATH 723Complex Functions00000
MATH 710Introduction To Category Theory00000
MATH 706Theory Of Numbers00000
MATH 655Elementary Numerical Analysis 100000
MATH 634Advanced Calculus II00000
MATH 620Convex Optimization for Data Science00000
MATH 599Top/Mathematics - Top/Vary By Student00000
MATH 570History of Mathematics00000
MATH 551Applied Matrix Theory00000
MATH 521The Real Number System00000
MATH 515Introduction to Linear Algebra00000
MATH 506Introduction to Number Theory00000
MATH 500Mathematical Theory Of Interest00000
MATH 498Honors Project00000
MATH 320Mathematics For Elementary School Teachers I00000
MATH 222Analytic Geometry and Calculus III00000
MATH 220Analytic Geometry and Calculus I00000
MATH 199Sem/Undergrad Math - Sem/Undergrad Math00000
MATH 150Plane Trigonometry00000
MATH 020College Algebra Review00000
MATH 010Intermediate Algebra00000
MATH 999Research in Mathematics00000
MATH 826Complex Analysis 200000
MATH 992Top/Analysis - Top/Quasi Conformal Mappings00000
MATH 899Thesis Topics00000
MATH 897Seminar In Mathematics Education00000
MATH 890Riemann Surfaces00000
MATH 881Differential Topology00000
MATH 875Algebraic Topology I00000
MATH 855Methods Of Applied Mathematics 100000
MATH 852Functional Analysis 100000
MATH 841Differential Equations 200000
MATH 840Differential Equations 100000
MATH 830Algebraic Number Theory00000
MATH 997Topics in Number Theory00000
MATH 824Geometric Function and Measure Theory II00000
MATH 822Complex Analysis00000
MATH 818Introduction to Algebraic Groups 100000
MATH 816Algebraic Geometry 100000
MATH 814Lie Algebras And Representations 100000
MATH 812Homological Algebra 100000
MATH 801Numerical Solution Of Ordinary Differential Equations 100000
MATH 789Combinatorial Analysis00000
MATH 771Introduction to Topology/Geometry II00000
MATH 731Abstract Algebra II00000
MATH 726The Mathematics of Data and Networks II00000
MATH 540Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 730Abstract Algebra 100000
MATH 725The Mathematics of Data and Networks I00000
MATH 721Introduction To Real Analysis00000
MATH 715Applied Mathematics 100000
MATH 707Theory of Numbers II00000
MATH 700Set Theory And Logic00000
MATH 635Dynamics, Chaos, and Fractals00000
MATH 633Advanced Calculus 100000
MATH 630Introduction To Complex Analysis00000
MATH 615Introduction to Digital Image Processing00000
MATH 572Foundations Of Geometry00000
MATH 560Introduction To Topology00000
MATH 770Introduction to Topology/Geometry I00000
MATH 520Foundations of Analysis00000
MATH 512Introduction To Modern Algebra00000
MATH 510Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH 501Mathematical Foundations of Actuarial Science00000
MATH 499Top/Undergrad Math - Top/Vary By Student00000
MATH 340Elementary Differential Equations00000
MATH 312Finite Applications Of Mathematics00000
MATH 221Analytic Geometry and Calculus II00000
MATH 205General Calculus and Linear Algebra00000
MATH 160Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics00000
MATH 100College Algebra - Studio00000
MATH 843Advanced Probability I00000
MATH 996Topics in Topology00000
MATH 995Top/Geometry - Top/Symplectic Geometry00000
MATH 994Top/Applied Math - Top/Advanced Network Theory00000
MATH 993Top/Harmonic Analysis - Top/Vary By Student00000
MATH 991Top/Algebra - Top/Vary By Student00000
MATH 898Masters Research - Masters Research00000
MATH 896Top/Mathematics - Top/Vary By Student00000
MATH 882Differential Geometry00000
MATH 876Algebraic Topology II00000
MATH 856Methods of Applied Mathematics II00000
MATH 853Functional Analysis 200000
MATH 011Intermediate Algebra Review00000
MATH 831Analytic Number Theory00000
MATH 827Classical And Modern Fourier Analysis 100000
MATH 825Complex Analysis 100000
MATH 823Geometric Function And Measure Theory 100000
MATH 821Real Analysis00000
MATH 817Algebraic Geometry 200000
MATH 815Lie Algebras And Representations 200000
MATH 813Homological Algebra ll00000
MATH 802Numerical Solution Of Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 799Top/Math - Top/Vary By Student00000
MATH 772Elementary Differential Geometry00000