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Kauai CC Course Reviews

Kauai Community College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AMT 129Engine Repair00000
AMT 34BPaint Prep and Refinishing I00000
AMT 40EElectrical/Electronics I00000
AMT 40BFuel and Emissions00000
AMT 41Ignition Systems00000
AMT 43Heat and Auto Air Conditn00000
AMT 50Automatic Transmis/Transaxle00000
AMT 55Suspension and Steering00000
AMT 99VSpecial Studies00000
AMT 120BAuto Metal Work and Welding00000
AMT 20Intro Auto Technology00000
AMT 141Electrical/Electronic Systems I00000
AMT 145Manual Drive Trains and Axles00000
AMT 152Brake Systems00000
AMT 171HEV I Introduction to Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technology00000
AMT 173HEV III Diagnostic and Repair00000
AMT 199VSpecial Studies00000
AMT 241Electrical/Electronic Systems II00000
AMT 242Engine Performance I00000
AMT 260Diagnostic and Repair00000
AMT 134BPaint Prep and Refinishing I00000
AMT 30Engines00000
AMT 40GElectrical/Electronics II00000
AMT 40HEngine Performance II00000
AMT 40DEngine Performance I00000
AMT 46Manual Drive Trains and Axles00000
AMT 53Brakes00000
AMT 60Diagnostic and Repair00000
AMT 100Introduction to Automotive Technology00000
AMT 126BNon-Structural Analysis and Repair I00000
AMT 18Minor Tune-Up and Repair00000
AMT 144Heating and Air Conditioning00000
AMT 149Automatic Transmission and Transaxle00000
AMT 154Suspension and Steering Systems00000
AMT 172HEV II Preventive Maintenance and Repair00000
AMT 177Automotive Diesel Fuel System00000
AMT 240Fuel and Emission Systems00000
AMT 244Engine Performance II00000
AMT 16Car Care00000