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Kent State Course Reviews

Kent State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SOC 32565Sociology Of Sexualities53551
SOC 42879Aging in Society53551
SOC 12050Introduction to Sociology00000
SOC 43200Social Structure And Individual Lives00000
SOC 42577Sociology of Family Violence00000
SOC 42565Environmental Sociology00000
SOC 42561Sociology of Religion00000
SOC 42478Adolescence In Society00000
SOC 42400Self and Identity00000
SOC 42095St: the Tulsa Project00000
SOC 42010Death and Dying00000
SOC 32673Urban Sociology00000
SOC 32510Sociology Of Work00000
SOC 32220Data Analysis00000
SOC 32096Individual Investigation in Sociology00000
SOC 22778Social Problems00000
SOC 52126Sociological Theories00000
SOC 82199Dissertation I00000
SOC 72895Special Topics00000
SOC 72872Social Psychology And Inequality00000
SOC 72566Sociology Of Gender00000
SOC 72437Structural Social Psychology00000
SOC 72328Stratification And Health00000
SOC 72221Advanced Qualitative Methods In Sociology00000
SOC 72218Advanced Data Analysis00000
SOC 72211Quantitative Methods In Sociology00000
SOC 72100Early Sociological Theory00000
SOC 71004Sociology Of Corrections00000
SOC 62896Individual Investigation00000
SOC 71003Criminological Theory00000
SOC 82299Dissertation II00000
SOC 72896Individual Investigation00000
SOC 72877Sociology Of Aging And The Life Course00000
SOC 72760Deviance00000
SOC 72546Social Inequality00000
SOC 72433Social Structure And Personality00000
SOC 72332Social Control Of Mental Illness00000
SOC 72323Sociology Of Health And Illness00000
SOC 72219Qualitative Methods in Sociology00000
SOC 72217Multivariate Techniques in Sociology00000
SOC 72105Contemporary Sociological Thought00000
SOC 72002Professional And Ethical Issues In Sociology00000
SOC 71005Juvenile Delinquency00000
SOC 62877Sociology Of Aging And The Life Course00000
SOC 62895St: the Tulsa Project00000
SOC 62326Sociology Of Mental Health And Mental Illness00000
SOC 62299Thesis II00000
SOC 62219Qualitative Methods in Sociology00000
SOC 62211Quantitative Methods In Sociology00000
SOC 62105Contemporary Sociological Thought00000
SOC 62002Professional And Ethical Issues In Sociology00000
SOC 61004Sociology Of Corrections00000
SOC 52879Aging in Society00000
SOC 52568Race And Ethnic Studies00000
SOC 52561Sociology of Religion00000
SOC 52558Wealth, Poverty and Power00000
SOC 52560Sociology of Food00000
SOC 72430Social Psychology00000
SOC 72326Sociology Of Mental Health And Mental Illness00000
SOC 62898Research00000
SOC 62430Social Psychology00000
SOC 62328Stratification And Health00000
SOC 62221Advanced Qualitative Methods In Sociology00000
SOC 62218Advanced Data Analysis00000
SOC 62199Thesis I00000
SOC 62100Early Sociological Theory00000
SOC 61005Juvenile Delinquency00000
SOC 61003Criminological Theory00000
SOC 52577Sociology Of Family Violence00000
SOC 52563Sociology of Health and Health Care00000
SOC 72439Self And Identity00000
SOC 52478Adolescence In Society00000
SOC 52010Death And Dying00000
SOC 42568Race and Ethnic Studies00000
SOC 42562Sociology of Mental Illness00000
SOC 42558Wealth, Poverty and Power00000
SOC 42359Social Movements00000
SOC 42126Sociological Theories00000
SOC 42092Internship in Sociology00000
SOC 32570Inequality in Societies00000
SOC 32560Sociology of Families00000
SOC 32221Data Analysis Laboratory00000
SOC 32210Researching Society Writing Intensive00000
SOC 24011Interpersonal Relationships and Families00000
SOC 42563Sociology of Health and Health Care00000
SOC 22100Sociological Analysis00000
SOC 62872Social Psychology And Inequality00000
SOC 62870Sociology Of Race And Ethnicity00000
SOC 62760Deviance00000
SOC 62566Sociology Of Gender00000
SOC 62546Social Inequality00000
SOC 62439Self And Identity00000
SOC 62437Structural Social Psychology00000
SOC 62433Social Structure And Personality00000
SOC 62332Social Control Of Mental Illness00000
SOC 62323Sociology Of Health And Illness00000
SOC 62217Multivariate Techniques in Sociology00000
SOC 42575Families In A Global Perspective00000
SOC 62894College Teaching of Sociology00000
SOC 42560Sociology of Food00000
SOC 42421Childhood In Society00000
SOC 42315Sociology of Gender00000
SOC 42093St: Preparing For Graduation: Resumes Cover Letters And More00000
SOC 32762Deviant Behavior00000
SOC 32569Minorities in the United States00000
SOC 32400Individual and Society00000
SOC 32005Career Pathways in Sociology and Criminology and Justice Stu...00000
SOC 22570Understanding Differences and Inequality00000
SOC 72898Research00000
SOC 72894College Teaching of Sociology00000
SOC 72870Sociology Of Race And Ethnicity00000