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KSU Course Reviews

Kennesaw State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 3400Digital Photography00000
ART 4511Advanced Printmaking I00000
ART 4430Digital Post-Production Processes00000
ART 4400Directed Study in Art00000
ART 4362Advanced Ceramics II00000
ART 4269Advanced Painting IV00000
ART 4259Advanced Figure IV00000
ART 4256Advanced Figure I00000
ART 4152Advanced Drawing II00000
ART 4036Concept Art I00000
ART 4022Web Design for Artists00000
ART 3800Sewing & Construction Techniques00000
ART 3550Bookarts, Letterpress and Papermaking00000
ART 3500Printmaking I00000
ART 4520Planographic Techniques II00000
ART 3341Master Craftsman I00000
ART 3320Jewelry and Small Metals I00000
ART 3265Aqueous Media00000
ART 3150Figure Drawing00000
ART 3021Publication Design00000
ART 3011Typography I00000
ART 2550Computer Applications in Art00000
ART 1200Three-Dimensional Design00000
ART 1107Art in Society00000
ART 4738Experimental Comics III00000
ART 4722Comic Storytelling II00000
ART 4712Narrative Arts II00000
ART 4632Sketchbook Narrative II00000
ART 4257Advanced Figure II00000
ART 4990Senior Art Seminar and Exhibition00000
ART 4736Experimental Comics I00000
ART 4721Comic Storytelling I00000
ART 4711Narrative Arts00000
ART 4631Sketchbook Narrative I00000
ART 4613The Visual Essay III00000
ART 4552Advanced Bookarts, Letterpress and Papermaking II00000
ART 4512Advanced Printmaking II00000
ART 4440Large Format Photography00000
ART 4411Advanced Photography I00000
ART 4363Advanced Ceramics III00000
ART 4312Advanced Sculpture II00000
ART 4268Advanced Painting III00000
ART 4621Storytelling and Myth-Making I00000
ART 4030Design Practicum00000
ART 4021Advertising and Packaging00000
ART 3715Sequential Art II00000
ART 3600Illustration I00000
ART 3430Introduction to Video00000
ART 3398Art Internship00000
ART 3342Master Craftsman II00000
ART 4737Experimental Comics II00000
ART 4720Comic Storytelling00000
ART 4633Sketchbook Narrative III00000
ART 4622Storytelling and Myth-making II00000
ART 4611The Visual Essay I00000
ART 4024Motion Graphics00000
ART 4623Storytelling and Myth-making III00000
ART 4612The Visual Essay II00000
ART 4551Advanced Bookarts, Letterpress and Papermaking I00000
ART 4514Advanced Printmaking IV00000
ART 4490Special Topics and Art Seminar00000
ART 4412Advanced Photography II00000
ART 4365Technical Ceramics00000
ART 4361Advanced Ceramics I00000
ART 4311Advanced Sculpture I00000
ART 4267Advanced Painting II00000
ART 4258Advanced Figure III00000
ART 4154Advanced Drawing IV00000
ART 4151Advanced Drawing I00000
ART 4700Advanced Sequential Art00000
ART 3990Art As a Public Profession00000
ART 3705Sequential Art I00000
ART 3520Planographic Techniques I00000
ART 3420Lighting for Photography and Video00000
ART 3380Mold Making and Slipcasting00000
ART 3343Master Craftsman III00000
ART 3325Jewelry and Small Metals II00000
ART 3300Sculpture I00000
ART 3260Painting II00000
ART 3120Ceramics I00000
ART 3020Typography II00000
ART 2990Concept, Creativity, and Studio Practice00000
ART 3396Cooperative Study00000
ART 4600Advanced Illustration00000
ART 4513Advanced Printmaking III00000
ART 4420Alternative Photographic Processes00000
ART 4364Advanced Ceramics IV00000
ART 4313Advanced Sculpture III00000
ART 4266Advanced Painting I00000
ART 4153Advanced Drawing III00000
ART 4037Concept Art II00000
ART 4023Interactive Media Design00000
ART 3810Sewing Construction Techniques II00000
ART 3610Illustration II00000
ART 3510Printmaking II00000
ART 3410Film Photography00000
ART 2290Special Topics in Art00000
ART 3360Wheel Throwing00000
ART 3330Sculpture III: Foundry00000
ART 3310Sculpture II: Welding00000
ART 3160Painting I00000
ART 3022Pre-Press00000
ART 3015Electronic Illustration00000
ART 2150Drawing II00000
ART 1150Drawing I00000
ART 1100Two-Dimensional Design and Color Theory00000
ART 4980Senior Portfolio and Applied Project00000
ART 4723Comic Storytelling III00000
ART 4713Narrative Arts III00000