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LC Course Reviews

LaGrange College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTD 3222Digital Imaging00000
ARTD 1109Art History Survey I00000
ARTD 1111Modern and Contemp Art History00000
ARTD 11522-D Design00000
ARTD 2211Drawing II:Life Drawing00000
ARTD 2222Graph Design Logos&Cncpts00000
ARTD 2224Documentary Photography00000
ARTD 2272Sculpture I00000
ARTD 2281Animation I00000
ARTD 3101Museum Studies I00000
ARTD 3105Art of the Renaissance00000
ARTD 4495Ind Study: Printmaking00000
ARTD 3282Stop Motion Animation00000
ARTD 3301Advanced Graphic Design00000
ARTD 3323Advanced Photography I00000
ARTD 3327Ceramic Concepts00000
ARTD 3372Sculpture Methods II00000
ARTD 3375Painting II00000
ARTD 4281Animation Project I00000
ARTD 4341Internship00000
ARTD 4352Studio Concentration00000
ARTD 3102Museum Studies II00000
ARTD 1110Art History Survey II00000
ARTD 1151Drawing I00000
ARTD 11533-D Design00000
ARTD 2201Graphic Design Fundamentals00000
ARTD 2223Basic Photography00000
ARTD 2227Ceramics:Methods&Materials00000
ARTD 2229Ceramics:Wheelthrowing00000
ARTD 2271Painting I00000
ARTD 2273Printmaking I00000
ARTD 2282Animation II00000
ARTD 1100Art Foundations Seminar00000
ARTD 3108Art of the Non-Western World00000
ARTD 3281Digital Ink and Paint00000
ARTD 3283Professional Practices/Art00000
ARTD 3311Drawing III00000
ARTD 3324Advanced Photography II00000
ARTD 3329Ceramic Design00000
ARTD 3373Printmaking II00000
ARTD 4282Animation Project II00000
ARTD 4351Studio Concentration00000