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LC Course Reviews

LaGrange College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 3340LConservation Biology Lab00000
BIOL 1102General Biology II00000
BIOL 1107LPrin of Biology I LAB00000
BIOL 1107Principles of Biology I00000
BIOL 2148Human Anatomy & Physiol I00000
BIOL 2149Human Anatomy & Physiol II00000
BIOL 2149LHuman Anat & Physiol II LAB00000
BIOL 3320LMedical Microbology LAB00000
BIOL 3322LImmunology LAB00000
BIOL 3334LEcology LAB00000
BIOL 3335LGeneral Zoology LAB00000
BIOL 3336Botany00000
BIOL 1101General Biology I00000
BIOL 3351Vertebrate Embryology00000
BIOL 3353LFund of Evolutionry Theory LAB00000
BIOL 3360Histology00000
BIOL 3370LToxicology LAB00000
BIOL 3372LMolecular Biology LAB00000
BIOL 3373LGenetics LAB00000
BIOL 3374LCell Physiology LAB00000
BIOL 3376LVirology LAB00000
BIOL 3384LNeurobiology LAB00000
BIOL 4496Internship in Biology00000
BIOL 3351LVertebrate Embryology LAB00000
BIOL 1102LGeneral Biology II LAB00000
BIOL 1108Principles of Biology II00000
BIOL 1108LPrin of Biology II LAB00000
BIOL 2148LHuman Anat & Physiol I LAB00000
BIOL 3320Medical Microbiology00000
BIOL 3322Immunology00000
BIOL 3334Ecology00000
BIOL 3335General Zoology00000
BIOL 3336LBotany LAB00000
BIOL 3340Conservation Biology00000
BIOL 1101LGeneral Biology I LAB00000
BIOL 3353Fund of Evolutionary Theory00000
BIOL 3360LHistology LAB00000
BIOL 3370Toxicology00000
BIOL 3372Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 3373Genetics00000
BIOL 3374Cell Physiology00000
BIOL 3376Virology00000
BIOL 3384Neurobiology00000
BIOL 4470Senior Seminar00000
BIOL 4495Independent Study00000