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Lehman Course Reviews

Lehman College (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 486Independent Study00000
ART 755Sem In Contempy Art00000
ART 746Masters Project00000
ART 738Advanced Photography I00000
ART 736Advanced Printmaking IV00000
ART 732Advanced Printmaking II00000
ART 726Advanced Sculpture III00000
ART 718Advanced Painting IV00000
ART 713Advanced Digital Media II (Interaction Design)00000
ART 707Advanced Ceramics 100000
ART 613Two-Dimensional Design For Digital Media00000
ART 494Bachelor of Fine Arts Thesis I00000
ART 103Introduction to Printmaking00000
ART 441Broadcast Design00000
ART 350Variable Topics in Studio Art00000
ART 325Digital Multimedia00000
ART 317Advanced Ceramic Techniques00000
ART 306Advanced Sculpture00000
ART 302Advanced Design00000
ART 221Applied Imaging and Applications to the World Wide Web I00000
ART 206Sculpture00000
ART 202Design00000
ART 109Observation and the Visual Experience00000
ART 422Computer Animation II00000
ART 752Advanced Two-Dimensional Design for Digital Media00000
ART 744First-Year Graduate Seminar00000
ART 737Adv Ceramics III00000
ART 730Advanced Printmaking I00000
ART 724Advanced Sculpture II00000
ART 716Advanced Painting III00000
ART 710Advanced Drawing00000
ART 617Fundamentals of Wheel Thrown Ceramics00000
ART 496Bachelor of Fine Arts Thesis II00000
ART 481Independent Study in Computer Imaging00000
ART 105Introduction to Painting00000
ART 335Digital Media Production: Advancing the Narrative00000
ART 327Ceramic Sculpture00000
ART 321Computer Modeling and Design I00000
ART 307Ceramics III00000
ART 303Advanced Printmaking Workshop00000
ART 222Introduction to Animation00000
ART 207Ceramics II00000
ART 203Printmaking Workshop00000
ART 112Introduction to Digital Imaging00000
ART 107Ceramics I00000
ART 480Senior Project00000
ART 101Introduction to Two-Dimensional Design00000
ART 748Master's Thesis I00000
ART 742Independent Research00000
ART 734Advanced Printmaking III00000
ART 728Advanced Sculpture IV00000
ART 723Advanced Digital Media III (Identity Design)00000
ART 714Advanced Painting II00000
ART 703Advanced Digital Media I (Interface Design)00000
ART 612Introduction to Digital Imaging00000
ART 488Professional Practices in the Visual Arts00000
ART 106Introduction to Sculpture00000
ART 421Computer Animation I00000
ART 334Digital Media Production: Theory and Practice00000
ART 323Drawing for Animation00000
ART 313The Artist's Multiple00000
ART 305Advanced Painting00000
ART 301Advanced Life Drawing00000
ART 209Relativity of Color00000
ART 205Painting00000
ART 201Life Drawing00000
ART 108Introduction to Photography00000
ART 487Professional Experience in the Fine Arts00000
ART 100Basic Drawing00000
ART 750Master's Thesis II00000
ART 740Advanced Photography II00000
ART 733ADV DIGITAL MEDIA 4 (Information Design).00000
ART 727Ceramic Sculpture00000
ART 722Advanced Sculpture I00000
ART 717Advanced Ceramics 200000
ART 712Advanced Painting I00000
ART 702Advanced Problems in Design I00000
ART 607Fundamentals of Ceramic Hand Building00000
ART 102Introduction to Three-Dimensional Design00000
ART 451Topics in Computer Imaging00000
ART 355Seminar In Contemporary Art00000
ART 328Studio Photography00000
ART 322Computer Modeling and Design II00000
ART 308Advanced Black-and-White Photography00000
ART 304Advanced Watercolor00000
ART 300Advanced Drawing00000
ART 208Photography00000
ART 204Watercolor00000
ART 200Drawing00000