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Lehman Course Reviews

Lehman College (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
LAC 266Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean I55431
BBA 405Management Decision Making55521
SPE 723The Nature, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Fluency Disorders12221
HIS 247Medieval Civilization00000
GEP 621Principles and Applications in Remote Sensing00000
ECO 331Industrial Organization and Regulation00000
CHE 167General Chemistry Laboratory I00000
HUM 150The City and the Humanities I00000
EDS 709Curriculum and Instructional Practices for Culturally and Li...00000
LEH 100The Liberal Arts: Freshman Seminar00000
ENG 345Topics in Gender and Sexuality00000
FTS 316Film and Video Production00000
DNC 371Dance Internship00000
HEA 620Health Counseling00000
BIO 502Topics in Economic Botany00000
HIU 714The United States, 1914-194500000
EDG 706Assessment in Counseling00000
JRN 350Topics in Journalism00000
ART 481Independent Study in Computer Imaging00000
MAT 301Applied Statistics and Computer Analysis for Social Scientis...00000
CHE 447Biochemistry Laboratory00000
ART 723Advanced Digital Media III (Identity Design)00000
ENG 790Special Topics in Composition and Rhetoric00000
CLT 354Philosophy of the Social Sciences00000
ENW 312Advanced Fiction Writing I00000
ESC 462Teaching Language Arts in Languages Other than English00000
FRE 300Introduction to French Literature and Literary Criticism00000
DNC 100Dance Workout I00000
GEO 341Natural Hazards and Disasters Laboratory00000
BIO 267Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates00000
HEA 267Human Behavior and Health00000
DST 365Special Topics in Disability Studies00000
HIE 314Europe in the Twentieth Century: Imperialism, Revolution, Fa...00000
ART 209Relativity of Color00000
HIU 305The Early Republic, 1789-182400000
EDE 709Multilingualism in the Classroom, Birth to Grade Six00000
HIW 731Modern Latin America00000
CED 100Jumpstart Your Career: Braven Accelerator00000
ITA 201Intermediate Italian Grammar00000
EDL 808Leadership Seminar I: Needs Assessment00000
LAC 301Puerto Rican Literature00000
ACC 709Advanced Accounting Theory00000
LTS 309Latino Social Movements and Civil Rights00000
ENG 234Women in Literature00000
MAT 341Mathematical Logic I00000
ART 710Advanced Drawing00000
ENG 756Studies in Twentieth-Century American Literature00000
CIS 166Computer Programming for Information Processing I00000
ENW 201Writing Essentials00000
ANT 238Selected Studies in Societies and Culture: Latin American00000
ESC 301Psychological Foundations of Middle and High School00000
CMP 410Data Structures and Algorithms II00000
ART 752Advanced Two-Dimensional Design for Digital Media00000
ESC 532Teaching Mathematics in Middle and High School00000
CMP 567Programming Methods I for Educators00000
ESC 705Methods of Educational Research00000
ESC 723Teaching Reading in the Content Areas00000
EXS 675Independent Study Project00000
DFN 610Nutrition: An Integrated Approach00000
FRE 360Cinema for French Conversation00000
BBA 407Strategic Management00000
GEH 240Urban Geography00000
DNC 303Ballet Principles III00000
GEP 299Cartography and Graphic Presentation II00000
ARH 141Introd to the History of Modern Art of the 19th & 20th Centu...00000
GEP 3060Raster Applications00000
DNC 3210Hip Hop00000
HEA 336Perspectives on Death and Dying00000
BIO 406Biochemistry of Differentiation00000
HIA 311Women in Antiquity00000
ECE 427Methodology of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languag...00000
HIN 268Growth and Development00000
AAS 481Honors Project00000
HIS 351Topics in African History, Politics, and Society00000
EDC 734Programs and Environments for Infants and Toddler, Birth to...00000
HIU 349The Harlem Renaissance00000
BIO 7922Tutorial00000
HIW 325The History of Modern Japan00000
EDE 755Advanced Methods of Teaching Music in the Elementary School00000
HSA 325Nursing Home Administration00000
ART 322Computer Modeling and Design II00000
IBA 253Interdisciplinary Studies in Artistic and Literary Expressio...00000
EDL 709Case Studies in School Building Leadership00000
JAL 381Tutorial In Japanese00000
CGI 441Broadcast Design00000
LAC 226Contemporary Dominican Politics and Society00000
EDR 753Teaching Com Strategies Literacy thru Young Adult's Lit Dive...00000
LAC 338Colonial Latin America00000
AAS 307Black Brazil00000
LSP 352Honors Seminar in the Natural Sciences00000
EDS 719Student Teaching of Diverse Learners with Disabilities in In...00000
LTS 360Special Topics in Latin American and Latino Studies00000
CHE 266Introduction to Forensic Science00000
CMP 776Parallel Algorithms and Architecture00000
ESC 761Teaching English as a New Language, grades 5-1200000
ESC 4670Community Resources for Science Teaching and Learning00000
ENG 322Modernism00000
AAS 239Black Women in American Society00000
AAS 346African American Autobiography00000
ANT 318Early Civilizations of Mexico and Central America00000