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LTU Course Reviews

Lawrence Technological University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EIE 3023Industrial Manufacturing Processes00000
EIE 3043Production, Planning & Control00000
EIE 3353Operations Research Techniques00000
EIE 3653Stochastic Modeling00000
EIE 4013Work Design and Measurement00000
EIE 4253Senior Capstone Project00000
EIE 4553Occupational Ergonomics00000
EIE 5513Lean Manufacturing Systems00000
EIE 6653Advanced Optimization Techniques00000
EIE 6673Six Sigma Processes00000
EIE 2012Engineering Graphics00000
EIE 3033Engineering Numerical Methods00000
EIE 3123Plant Layout00000
EIE 3453Stat Methods for Process00000
EIE 3753Simulation in System Design00000
EIE 4252Senior Project Fundamentals00000
EIE 4453Applied Operations Research00000
EIE 4653Industrial and Engr Finance00000
EIE 5983Special Topics in Ind. Eng. Supply Chain and Logistics00000
EIE 6663Applied Stochastic Processes00000