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Marist Course Reviews

Marist College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 192LSt:Machu Picchu00000
BIOL 202LHum Antmy&Physii00000
BIOL 214LLife On Earth00000
BIOL 260LIntro To Neuroscience00000
BIOL 312LMicrobiology00000
BIOL 328LCell Biology00000
BIOL 386LInst:Cell Physiolology00000
BIOL 421LParasitology00000
BIOL 477LBiology Capping00000
BIOL 483LResearch I00000
BIOL 496NBiol Intern00000
BIOL 131LGen Biology II00000
BIOL 180LIntroduction To Genetics00000
BIOL 211LPlant Biology00000
BIOL 232LSex,Evolution Be00000
BIOL 305LAnimal Behavior00000
BIOL 315LImmunology00000
BIOL 340LHuman & Vert Comp Anat00000
BIOL 392LSt: Intro To Ecology00000
BIOL 430LDevel Biology00000
BIOL 480LSenior Research I00000
BIOL 490LSt: Microbial Ecology00000
BIOL 497NBiol Intern00000
BIOL 201LHum Antmy&Phys I00000
BIOL 190LSt:Star Program00000
BIOL 203LHuman Nutrition00000
BIOL 225LTopics In Nutrition00000
BIOL 292LSt: Biology Of Plants00000
BIOL 320LGenetics00000
BIOL 360LEcology:Prin&Pract00000
BIOL 393LSt: Cell Biology00000
BIOL 440LAdvanced Human Phys00000
BIOL 482LResearch II00000
BIOL 495NBiology Intern00000
BIOL 132LIntro Hum Antm&Phys II00000
BIOL 130LGen Biology I00000
BIOL 237LHuman Biology00000
BIOL 306LSt: Animal Behavior Lab00000
BIOL 321LEvolution00000
BIOL 385LInst: Microbiology Lab00000
BIOL 395LSt:Med Exp In South Africa00000
BIOL 450LBiotechnology00000
BIOL 481LSr Research II00000
BIOL 494NBiol Intern00000
BIOL 498NBiol Intern00000
BIOL 101LTopics in Biology00000