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Marist Course Reviews

Marist College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BUS 382NLgl Found of Bus00000
BUS 490NSt:Derivatives+Risk Mgt00000
BUS 477NMgt Strategy Pol00000
BUS 440NMarketing Comm00000
BUS 424NInnovation Mgmt+ New Prdt Dvlp00000
BUS 416NCfa® Level00000
BUS 412NBusiness Intern00000
BUS 406NInst: Adv Ethical Dec. Making00000
BUS 396NBusiness Intern00000
BUS 392NSt:Intro to Bus Decision Anal00000
BUS 120NFinancial Literacy00000
BUS 370NCrosscultural Com In Workplace00000
BUS 344NCorporate Finance00000
BUS 325NIntrntnl Retailing00000
BUS 310NData Modeling for Business00000
BUS 292LSt:Business00000
BUS 210NPrinciples Of Marketing00000
BUS 194NIn St:Research Experience00000
BUS 119LCareer Management00000
BUS 492NSt:International Business00000
BUS 393NSt:Marketing Communications00000
BUS 489NSt:Finance For Entrepreneurs00000
BUS 442NIntrnatnl Market00000
BUS 427NInvest Pract-Fixed Income00000
BUS 423NFinance For Entrepreneurs00000
BUS 418NDerivatives+Risk Mgtmnt00000
BUS 414LInst: Career Mentor Asst II00000
BUS 409LInst: Career Mentoring00000
BUS 404NInst: Consulting00000
BUS 397NBusiness Intern00000
BUS 487NBusiness Internship00000
BUS 383LSt:Ethics+Financia Regulation00000
BUS 378NBusiness Internship00000
BUS 363NGlobal Financial Markets00000
BUS 335LLdrshp+Mgtmnt In Nonprft Org00000
BUS 311NOrganizational Behavior00000
BUS 301NHr Managemnt00000
BUS 225NHuman Potential-Bus Organztns00000
BUS 195NFoundations Of Management00000
BUS 390NSt:International Trade00000
BUS 450NMkting Pol Probs00000
BUS 430NIntntnl Trade Mgt00000
BUS 425NAdv Topics in Entrepreneurship00000
BUS 420NInvestment Analys00000
BUS 415LInst: Career Mgmt Mentor00000
BUS 410NEmployment-Develo00000
BUS 405LInst:Career Mentor Assistant00000
BUS 401NCompensation Adm00000
BUS 395NBusiness Intern00000
BUS 491NSt:Adv Entrepreneurship00000
BUS 381NBusiness Law II00000
BUS 369LSt:Nonprofit Management00000
BUS 341NCorp Social Responsibility00000
BUS 320NFinancial Mgmt00000
BUS 307NConsumer Behavior00000
BUS 290NSt:Data Modeling For Business00000
BUS 202NBusiness & Society00000
BUS 192LSt:Career Management II00000
BUS 388NOperations Mgt00000
BUS 441NMarketing Resear00000
BUS 426NInvestment Practicum-Equities00000
BUS 421NCorp Finance00000
BUS 417NStructured Finance00000
BUS 413NAdv Top-Human Resouces Mgt00000
BUS 408NInst: Business Reasoning00000
BUS 402LLabor Relations00000
BUS 398NBusiness Intern00000
BUS 394NSt: Nonprofit Management00000
BUS 100NIntro Bus & Mgt00000
BUS 380NBusiness Law I00000
BUS 364NEntrepreneurship00000
BUS 340NMarktng Princip00000
BUS 319NEthical Dec Makng Bus00000
BUS 302NOrganiz Behavior00000
BUS 243NWeb Marketing00000
BUS 200NCorp Social Responsibility00000
BUS 131NIntro To Marketing00000