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Marshall Course Reviews

Marshall University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CL 230Greek & Roman Epic00000
CL 493Senior Seminar In Humanities00000
CL 490Sr. Seminar: Greece & Humor00000
CL 485Independent Study00000
CL 480SpTp: Ancient Romance Novels00000
CL 473Body, Sex and Violence in Rome00000
CL 470Transformations of Myth00000
CL 393Jr. Seminar: RMN Law & Agamben00000
CL 326Classical Archaeology00000
CL 250Humanities and Film (CT)00000
CL 236Murder In Ancient World (Ct)00000
CL 233Greek & Roman Historians (CT)00000
CL 231Women in Greek & Roman Lit00000
CL 210Love/War Ancient World (CT)00000
CL 492Sr Sem Humanities: Star Wars00000
CL 488Independent Study00000
CL 481Sptp: Death Dying Anc Mod Worl00000
CL 477RTTP: Greece and Rome00000
CL 472Rhetoric of Seduction00000
CL 435Greek Civilization00000
CL 390Jr Sem Humanities: Goddesses00000
CL 319Classical Mythology00000
CL 237Lit in the Time of Nero (CT)00000
CL 234Greek And Roman Poetry (Ct)00000
CL 232Greek & Roman Drama (CT)00000