CIVE 527
Renovation and Preservation: Infrastructure
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Prof: Andrew Boyd / Fall 2023
Jan 3, 2024
A very broad course on the deterioration mechanisms and repair techniques of reinforced concrete structures. The lectures are extremely long and detailed.
Condition Assessment, Concrete Properties, Nondestructive Tests for Concrete, Metals, Corrosion Repairs, Service Life Prediction, ASR Repairs, Crack Repair, FRP Retrofit.
The professor expanded on the slides by drawing on the board and answering questions. The slides were, however, quite dry which made the lectures dull. Each lecture lasted three hours which made them more uncompelling.
Establish a good working relationship with your group members for the group term project. Take good photos during the site visit. Make sure to capture every detail. Memorize the practice questions the TA provides during tutorials for exams.
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