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McGill Course Reviews

McGill University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BUSA 660CEO Insights00000
BUSA 695Real-Time Decisions00000
BUSA 694Final Master's Paper00000
BUSA 693D2Analytics and Solution Consulting Practicum00000
BUSA 678Catalytic Mindset00000
BUSA 394Managing in Asia00000
BUSA 692Advanced Topics in Management 300000
BUSA 676Worldly Mindset00000
BUSA 670Managing Organizations00000
BUSA 364Business Law 100000
BUSA 651Practicum00000
BUSA 650Internship00000
BUSA 499Case Analysis and Presentation00000
BUSA 434Topics in General Management00000
BUSA 399Internship Project00000
BUSA 356Management in Global Context00000
BUSA 402Independent Studies in Social Business and Enterprise00000
BUSA 689D1Integrative Project00000
BUSA 400Independent Studies in Management00000
BUSA 497Internship in International Business00000
BUSA 642Reflective Dimension Manager Role00000
BUSA 650D2Internship00000
BUSA 651D2Practicum00000
BUSA 666The Practice of Management00000
BUSA 671Managerial Experience00000
BUSA 675Managing Context00000
BUSA 680Managing People00000
BUSA 685Managing Change00000
BUSA 693D1Analytics and Solution Consulting Practicum00000
BUSA 433Topics in International Business 100000
BUSA 464Management Of Small Enterprises.00000
BUSA 645Worldly Dimension of Manager Role.00000
BUSA 667Analytic Mindset.00000
BUSA 401Independent Studies in International Business00000
BUSA 611Independent Studies in Analytics 1.00000
BUSA 652Internship Experience.00000
BUSA 672D2Managerial Exchange.00000
BUSA 693N2Management Analytics Capstone.00000
BUSA 430Business Climate in Developing Countries.00000
BUSA 620Independent Study.00000
BUSA 672D1Managerial Exchange.00000
BUSA 698Health Care Systems.00000
BUSA 100Introduction to Management.00000
BUSA 481Managing in North America.00000
BUSA 614Governance Of Corporation: Contemporary Issues.00000
BUSA 663Reflective Mindset.00000
BUSA 690Advanced Topics in Management 1.00000
BUSA 250Expressive Analysis for Management00000
BUSA 391International Business Law00000
BUSA 395Managing in Europe.00000
BUSA 465Technological Entrepreneurship00000
BUSA 613Independent Studies in Analytics 200000
BUSA 650D1Internship00000
BUSA 651D1Practicum00000
BUSA 664Creating the Small Business00000
BUSA 668The Venture00000
BUSA 672Managerial Exchange00000
BUSA 677Collaborative Mindset00000
BUSA 689Integrative Project00000
BUSA 689D2Integrative Project00000
BUSA 691Advanced Topics in Management 200000
BUSA 643Collaborative Dimension Manager00000
BUSA 644Analytic Dimension of Manager Role00000
BUSA 646Health Management Capstone00000
BUSA 665Managing the Small Enterprise00000