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McGill Course Reviews

McGill University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEOG 205Global Change: Past, Present and Future3.73541
GEOG 381Geographic Thought and Practice00000
GEOG 423Dilemmas of Development.00000
GEOG 404Environmental Management 2.00000
GEOG 373Arctic Geomorphology.00000
GEOG 333Introduction to Programming for Spatial Sciences.00000
GEOG 315Urban Transportation Geography.00000
GEOG 310Development and Livelihoods.00000
GEOG 300Human Ecology in Geography.00000
GEOG 698D2Thesis Proposal00000
GEOG 631D2Methods of Geographical Research00000
GEOG 535Remote Sensing and Interpretation00000
GEOG 492D2Joint Honours Research00000
GEOG 491D2Honours Research00000
GEOG 451Research in Society and Development in Africa.00000
GEOG 351Quantitative Methods00000
GEOG 321Climatic Environments00000
GEOG 272Earth's Changing Surface00000
GEOG 700Comprehensive Examination 100000
GEOG 698N2Thesis Proposal00000
GEOG 631N2Methods of Geographical Research00000
GEOG 625Special Topics in Human Geography00000
GEOG 490Independent Readings in Geography00000
GEOG 470Wetlands00000
GEOG 409Geographies of Developing Asia00000
GEOG 396Undergraduate Research Project00000
GEOG 305Soils and Environment00000
GEOG 290Local Geographical Excursion00000
GEOG 331Urban Social Geography.00000
GEOG 701D1Comprehensive Examination 2.00000
GEOG 550Historical Ecology Techniques.00000
GEOG 537Advanced Fluvial Geomorphology.00000
GEOG 510Humid Tropical Environments.00000
GEOG 507Advanced Social Geography.00000
GEOG 504Advanced Economic Geography.00000
GEOG 501Modelling Environmental Systems.00000
GEOG 498Humans in Tropical Environments.00000
GEOG 493Health and Environment in Africa.00000
GEOG 473Arctic Field Research.00000
GEOG 416Africa South of the Sahara.00000
GEOG 384Principles of Geospatial Web.00000
GEOG 372Running Water Environments.00000
GEOG 203Environmental Systems00000
GEOG 314Geospatial Analysis.00000
GEOG 301Geography of Nunavut.00000
GEOG 702D1Comprehensive Examination 3.00000
GEOG 700D1Comprehensive Examination 1.00000
GEOG 540Topics In Geography 1.00000
GEOG 514Climate Change Vulnerability And Adaptation.00000
GEOG 509Qualitative Methods.00000
GEOG 506Advanced Geographic Information Science.00000
GEOG 502Geography of Northern Development.00000
GEOG 499Subarctic Field Studies.00000
GEOG 496Geographical Excursion.00000
GEOG 491N2Honours Research.00000
GEOG 210Global Places and Peoples00000
GEOG 420Memory, Place, and Power00000
GEOG 407Issues in Geography00000
GEOG 316Political Geography00000
GEOG 302Environmental Management 100000
GEOG 216Geography of the World Economy00000
GEOG 200Geographical Perspectives: World Environmental Problems00000
GEOG 699N1Thesis Research00000
GEOG 617Advanced Urban Geography00000
GEOG 491N1Honours Research00000
GEOG 325New Master-Planned Cities00000
GEOG 322Environmental Hydrology00000
GEOG 311Economic Geography00000
GEOG 217Cities in the Modern World00000
GEOG 489Independent Research in Geography00000
GEOG 701Comprehensive Examination 200000
GEOG 699D1Thesis Research00000
GEOG 698D1Thesis Proposal00000
GEOG 670Wetlands-Advanced00000
GEOG 631Methods of Geographical Research00000
GEOG 601Advanced Environmental Systems Modelling00000
GEOG 503Advanced Topics in Health Geography00000
GEOG 491D1Honours Research00000
GEOG 460Research in Sustainability00000
GEOG 408Geography of Development00000
GEOG 308Principles of Remote Sensing00000
GEOG 291Independent Short Project in Geography00000
GEOG 401Socio-Environmental Systems: Theory and Simulation00000
GEOG 631N1Methods of Geographical Research00000
GEOG 525Asian Cities in the 21st Century00000
GEOG 515Contemporary Dilemmas of Development00000
GEOG 505Global Biogeochemistry00000
GEOG 492N1Joint Honours Research00000
GEOG 417Urban Geography00000
GEOG 306Raster Geo-Information Science00000
GEOG 495Field Studies - Physical Geography00000
GEOG 530Global Land and Water Resources00000
GEOG 494Urban Field Studies00000
GEOG 201Introductory Geo-Information Science00000
GEOG 699D2Thesis Research00000
GEOG 202Statistics and Spatial Analysis00000
GEOG 360Analyzing Sustainability00000
GEOG 307Socioeconomic Applications of GIS00000
GEOG 303Health Geography00000
GEOG 221Environment and Health00000
GEOG 702Comprehensive Examination 300000
GEOG 699N2Thesis Research00000
GEOG 699Thesis Research00000
GEOG 698Thesis Proposal00000
GEOG 631D1Methods of Geographical Research00000
GEOG 626Special Topics in Physical Geography00000
GEOG 512Advanced Quantitative Methods in Social Field Research00000
GEOG 492D1Joint Honours Research00000