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McGill Course Reviews

McGill University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MECH 289Design Graphics54551
MECH 261Measurement Laboratory32341
MECH 403N2Thesis00000
MECH 688Industrial Stage00000
MECH 628Manufacturing Case Studies00000
MECH 609Seminar00000
MECH 604M. Eng. Project 200000
MECH 579Multidisciplinary Design Optimization00000
MECH 561Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal Systems00000
MECH 550Vibrations of Continuous Systems00000
MECH 533Subsonic Aerodynamics00000
MECH 535Turbomachinery and Propulsion00000
MECH 498Interdisciplinary Design Project 100000
MECH 463D1Design 3: Mechanical Engineering Project00000
MECH 447Combustion00000
MECH 700Ph.D. Literature Review00000
MECH 383Applied Electronics and Instrumentation00000
MECH 341Thermodynamics 200000
MECH 314Dynamics of Mechanisms00000
MECH 290Design Graphics for Mechanical Engineering00000
MECH 210Mechanics 100000
MECH 628D2Manufacturing Case Studies00000
MECH 499Interdisciplinary Design Project 200000
MECH 681Aeronautics Project00000
MECH 600Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering 100000
MECH 572Mechanics and Control of Robotic Manipulators00000
MECH 553Design and Manufacture of Microdevices00000
MECH 650Fundamentals of Heat Transfer.00000
MECH 656Fundamentals of Turbulent Flow.00000
MECH 578Advanced Thermodynamics.00000
MECH 560Eco-design and Product Life Cycle Assessment .00000
MECH 543Design with Composite Materials.00000
MECH 531Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.00000
MECH 510Engineering Acoustics.00000
MECH 654Compt. Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer.00000
MECH 567Structural Dynamics of Turbomachines.00000
MECH 546Finite Element Methods in Solid Mechanics.00000
MECH 534Air Pollution Engineering.00000
MECH 526Manufacturing and the Environment.00000
MECH 682Aeronautics Project 2.00000
MECH 542Spacecraft Dynamics00000
MECH 566Fluid-Structure Interactions.00000
MECH 544Processing of Composite Materials.00000
MECH 539Computational Aerodynamics.00000
MECH 516Computational Gasdynamics.00000
MECH 563Biofluids and Cardiovascular Mechanics00000
MECH 559Engineering Systems Optimization00000
MECH 548Cellular Materials in Natural and Engineering Structures00000
MECH 513Control Systems00000
MECH 501Special Topics: Mechanical Engineering00000
MECH 497Value Engineering00000
MECH 403D2Thesis00000
MECH 500Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering00000
MECH 494Honours Design Project00000
MECH 412System Dynamics and Control00000
MECH 393Design 2: Machine Element Design00000
MECH 360Principles of Manufacturing00000
MECH 331Fluid Mechanics 100000
MECH 309Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering00000
MECH 220Mechanics 200000
MECH 661Finite Element Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics00000
MECH 642Advanced Dynamics00000
MECH 610Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics00000
MECH 532Aircraft Performance, Stability and Control00000
MECH 515Unsteady Gasdynamics00000
MECH 524Computer Integrated Manufacturing00000
MECH 463D2Design 3: Mechanical Engineering Project00000
MECH 419Advanced Mechanics of Systems00000
MECH 702Ph.D. Comprehensive Preliminary Oral Examination00000
MECH 695M.Eng. Thesis00000
MECH 693M.Eng. Thesis Progress Report 100000
MECH 691M.Eng. Thesis Literature Review00000
MECH 652Dynamics of Combustion00000
MECH 629D1Manufacturing Industrial Seminar00000
MECH 628D1Manufacturing Case Studies00000
MECH 315Mechanics 300000
MECH 292Design 1: Conceptual Design00000
MECH 262Statistics and Measurement Laboratory00000
MECH 536Aerospace Structures00000
MECH 240Thermodynamics 100000
MECH 530Mechanics of Composite Materials00000
MECH 502Topics in Mechanical Engineering00000
MECH 430Fluid Mechanics 200000
MECH 403D1Thesis00000
MECH 362Mechanical Laboratory 100000
MECH 346Heat Transfer00000
MECH 321Mechanics of Deformable Solids00000
MECH 201Introduction to Mechanical Engineering00000
MECH 629D2Manufacturing Industrial Seminar00000
MECH 565Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Equipment00000
MECH 562Advanced Fluid Mechanics00000
MECH 547Mechanics of Biological Materials00000
MECH 403N1Thesis00000
MECH 404Honours Thesis 200000
MECH 701Ph.D. Thesis Proposal00000
MECH 694M.Eng. Thesis Progress Report 200000
MECH 692M.Eng. Thesis Research Proposal00000
MECH 687Aerospace Case Studies00000
MECH 632Advanced Mechanics of Materials00000
MECH 629Manufacturing Industrial Seminar00000
MECH 627Manufacturing Industrial Stage00000
MECH 605Applied Mathematics 100000
MECH 603M. Eng. Project 100000