Society, Culture and Environment
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Prof: Melanie Bedore / Fall 2024
Mar 4, 2025
The material often flips back and forth. There are some lectures I was really engaged in and others I dozed off in. I would say it's an elective course, i am not sure what program the materials would be super useful for (it was very introductory and covered a lot of disciplines).
Prof gave the choice of tutorial, exam, or assignment stream. I would suggest a tutorial stream, it is an easy mark booster as long as you are willing to speak. Study a lot before the midterms, but they are nit super hard as long as you study.
I did not interact with the prof a lot, her lectures were well done. Do not speak loudly in her class or she will call you out. Mostly depended on TAs
Do not rely on the fact you get a study/cheat sheet on the midterms/exams. Make sure you still study.
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Melanie Bedore / Fall 2024
Dec 18, 2024
Overall not a bad course at all. Exams are all based on slides from class with maybe one or two that ask about what the textbook says specfically, but honestly with good guesswork you probably don't need textbook. I thought. The exams are fairly easy, you're allowed a cheat sheet including on the final. You get 3 options for how you're graded (exams + tutorials, exams + assignment, only exams) and thus the exam weight will vary on your choice
For exams make sure to focus on including the specific examples given during lecture, this will be what most of the short answer questions are about. Textbook not super important, sometimes a specific diagram or text box is mentioned in class, just take at these when they're mentioned and you'll probably be fun. Just pick the exam only stream, the midterms & final are fairly easy with the cheat sheet, the assignment is what brought my mark down
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Melanie Bedore / Fall 2022
Mar 18, 2024
This course and this professor were what convinced me that the field of geography was what I wanted to study. It was by far my favourite course in first year and the only course I didn't feel burnt out attending during the last month of the term.
1HA3 is the first step into what the ENVSOCTY experience at McMaster is like. It was a fantastic first impression. Similarly to 1HB3, even if you have no interest towards geography, this course is an eye opener to just how much the world can offer. The course takes a cultural spin on humans and geography.
Dr. Bedore is such a passionate lecturer. She greatly encourages us to challenge our thinking. Very friendly, approachable, and her lectures feel much more like an engaging group discussion. She is a rather difficult marker though. As someone who has taken other courses with her as of 2024, she can be very picky with what counts for full marks.
As long as you are enjoying the content, you will get by and feel encouraged to keep up with the content.
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