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McMaster Course Reviews

McMaster University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HLTHAGE 1CC3Introduction to Mental Health and Illness3.
HLTHAGE 2B03Social Identity, Health and Illness11111
HLTHAGE 4J03Narratives of Illness11211
HLTHAGE 2BB3Perspectives in Health, Aging and Society13111
HLTHAGE 1AA3Introduction to Health and Society44541
HLTHAGE 3D03Perspectives on Disability, Chronic Illness and Aging00000
HLTHAGE 3E03Ethical Issues in Health and Aging00000
HLTHAGE 3G03Community Based Research00000
HLTHAGE 3B03Advanced Research Methods00000
HLTHAGE 3I03Independent Study in Health, Aging and Society00000
HLTHAGE 3L03Embodied Aging00000
HLTHAGE 3N03Aging and Mental Health00000
HLTHAGE 2A03Research Methods in Health and in Aging I00000
HLTHAGE 4W03Selected Issues in Aging and Society00000
HLTHAGE 2M03Aging in Modern (and Post-Modern) Families00000
HLTHAGE 2F03Aging and Health Care Systems00000
HLTHAGE 2J03Selected Topics in Aging and Society00000
HLTHAGE 2L03Drugs, Sex and Alcohol: Society and its Addictions00000
HLTHAGE 3AA3State, Civil Society and Health00000
HLTHAGE 3CC3Health and Environment: Anthropological Approaches00000
HLTHAGE 3DD3Work: Dangerous to your Health?00000
HLTHAGE 3EE3The Practice of Everyday Life: Observations and Inquiry00000
HLTHAGE 3HP3Population Growth and Aging00000
HLTHAGE 3K03Social Determinants of Population Health in Canada00000
HLTHAGE 3M03Approaches to Mental Health and Resilience00000
HLTHAGE 3Q03Selected Topics in Health and Aging00000
HLTHAGE 3R03Health Inequalities00000
HLTHAGE 4P03Leisure and Recreation in Later Life00000
HLTHAGE 4S03Health and the Unfairly Structured City00000
HLTHAGE 4U03Professions and Occupations in Health and Aging00000
HLTHAGE 1ZZ3Inquiry: Introduction to Health and Society00000
HLTHAGE 4M03Environment and Health00000
HLTHAGE 2AN3The Anthropology of Food and Nutrition00000
HLTHAGE 3BB3Field Experience00000
HLTHAGE 3S03Global Health and Environment Policy00000
HLTHAGE 3T03Health and Incarceration00000
HLTHAGE 3YY3Indigenous Community Health and Wellbeing00000
HLTHAGE 4B03Death and Dying in Later Life00000
HLTHAGE 4C03Representations of Health and Illness Across the Lifecourse00000
HLTHAGE 4D03Health, Culture and Diversity00000
HLTHAGE 4F03Selected Issues in Health and Society00000
HLTHAGE 4G03Global Health00000
HLTHAGE 4H03History and Culture of Aging00000
HLTHAGE 4I03Aging and Health00000
HLTHAGE 4L03Social Policy and Aging00000
HLTHAGE 2K03Selected Topics in Health and Society00000
HLTHAGE 4N03Aging and Wellbeing00000
HLTHAGE 4O03Soundscapes of Wellbeing in Popular Music00000
HLTHAGE 4Q03Representations of Mental Illness00000
HLTHAGE 4R03Beyond the Social: Determinants of Indigenous Peoples Health00000
HLTHAGE 4T03Gender, Sex and Health00000
HLTHAGE 4V03Aging and Humour: The Good, the Bad and the Funny00000
HLTHAGE 4Z06 A/BHealth, Aging and Society Thesis00000
HLTHAGE 2D03Continuum of Care00000
HLTHAGE 2GG3Mental Health and Society00000
HLTHAGE 1BB3Introduction to Aging and Society00000
HLTHAGE 2C03Health Economics and its Application to Health Policy00000
HLTHAGE 2HI3Geographies of Death & Disease00000