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McMaster Course Reviews

McMaster University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HTHSCI 1H06 A/BHuman Anatomy and Physiology I3134.52
HTHSCI 1DT3Discover Immunology Today22211
HTHSCI 4DM3Demystifying Medicine55431
HTHSCI 3I03Introductory Immunology43531
HTHSCI 3T03Inquiry into Work, Self and Purpose55341
HTHSCI 3FC3Science of Fictional Characters53551
HTHSCI 3K03Introductory Virology53551
HTHSCI 2S03Introduction to Statistics for Nursing11111
HTHSCI 2DS3Global Health and the Complexities of Disease00000
HTHSCI 2F03Human Physiology and Anatomy I00000
HTHSCI 2CH3 A/BCHS Learning Modules00000
HTHSCI 1X01 A/BPraxis Pathways 100000
HTHSCI 1K03Health Sciences in the Media00000
HTHSCI 1E06 A/BInquiry I: Introduction00000
HTHSCI 2G03Statistics & Epidemiology 100000
HTHSCI 1C00Competencies in Animal Care and Research: Completion of Ethical Research00000
HTHSCI 1A00Competencies in Animal Care and Research: Orientation00000
HTHSCI 1J03Life Sciences for Clinical Practice00000
HTHSCI 4I03 A/B SLeading Interprofessional Teams00000
HTHSCI 4BR3Independent Study00000
HTHSCI 3BB3Human Biochemistry II: Nutrition and Metabolism00000
HTHSCI 2L03Anatomy and Physiology I: Communication00000
HTHSCI 4JJ3Building Undergraduate Research Capacity00000
HTHSCI 4Z03 A/B SConflict Management00000
HTHSCI 2HH3Introductory Microbiology00000
HTHSCI 4AR3Nursing Research Project00000
HTHSCI 4HH3 A/B SQuality Management00000
HTHSCI 3PA2 A/BIntegrated Pathophysiology for Nursing00000
HTHSCI 3SB3Superbugs: Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance00000
HTHSCI 4A12 A/B SThesis00000
HTHSCI 4G15 A/B SThesis in Global Health00000
HTHSCI 2M03Reproductive Physiology00000
HTHSCI 4LB3Leadership and Management 100000
HTHSCI 4M03Advanced Concepts in Health Psychology00000
HTHSCI 4QQ3 A/B SCommunication Skills Practicum00000
HTHSCI 4SC3Social Determinants of Child Health00000
HTHSCI 4WW3 A/BEducation Practicum00000
HTHSCI 4Y03Science, Culture and Identity00000
HTHSCI 1CC6Integrated Biological Bases of Nursing Practice I00000
HTHSCI 2C06Integrated Biological Bases of Nursing Practice II00000
HTHSCI 4TE3The Teaching Hospital00000
HTHSCI 4G09 A/B SThesis in Global Health00000
HTHSCI 4ID3Innovation By Design I00000
HTHSCI 4II3Advanced Concepts in Immunology00000
HTHSCI 4KK3Pathophysiology of Infectious Diseases00000
HTHSCI 4LD3Global Health Governance, Law and Politics00000
HTHSCI 4NN3Written Communication in Health Sciences II00000
HTHSCI 4PA3Global Health Innovation00000
HTHSCI 4R12 A/B SThesis in Biomedical Sciences00000
HTHSCI 4FF3Integrative Leadership Project00000
HTHSCI 4X03 A/B SCollaboration and Peer Tutoring00000
HTHSCI 4YY3Health Forum Practicum00000
HTHSCI 1D06 A/BAnatomy and Physiology00000
HTHSCI 2H03Introductory Pharmacology00000
HTHSCI 2PF3 A/BIntroduction to Integrated Pathophysiology for Accelerated Stream00000
HTHSCI 3HN3Partnering with Hamilton Neighbourhoods for Health00000
HTHSCI 4DD6 A/B SAdvanced Leadership and Management00000
HTHSCI 1B00Competencies in Animal Care and Research: Methodologies00000
HTHSCI 3QA3Qualitative Research Methods in Health00000
HTHSCI 3AH3Indigenous Health00000
HTHSCI 3BM3Inquiry Project in Biomedical Sciences00000
HTHSCI 3C04Research Appraisal and Utilization in Evidence Informed Decision Making00000
HTHSCI 3DD6 A/BEngaging the City: An Introduction to Community-Based Research in Hamilton00000
HTHSCI 3H03 A/B SInquiry Project00000
HTHSCI 3HL3Health Law: Current and Emerging Issues00000
HTHSCI 3L03Introduction to Bioethics00000
HTHSCI 3N03Written Communication in Health Sciences I00000
HTHSCI 2LL3Anatomy and Physiology II: Homeostasis00000
HTHSCI 3X03Pain: Perceptions, Mechanisms and Management00000
HTHSCI 4A15 A/B SThesis00000
HTHSCI 4B06 A/B SSenior Projects00000
HTHSCI 4C06 A/BSenior Project in Child Health00000
HTHSCI 4C12 A/B SThesis in Child Health00000
HTHSCI 4CU3Cultural Competency in Health Sciences00000
HTHSCI 4D09 A/BThesis in Engaging the City00000
HTHSCI 4EE3 A/BEducation Practicum in Health Sciences00000
HTHSCI 4MS3The Social Lives of Molecules00000
HTHSCI 4AC3Advanced Communication Skills00000
HTHSCI 4BL3Peer Tutoring in Design Thinking00000
HTHSCI 4CH3 A/BCHS Education Practicum00000
HTHSCI 4D03Special Topics in Health Sciences00000
HTHSCI 4D12 A/BThesis in Engaging the City00000
HTHSCI 4G06 A/B SSenior Project in Global Health00000
HTHSCI 4IC3Integration of Children’s Physical and Mental Health00000
HTHSCI 4K03Human Pathophysiology00000
HTHSCI 4LC3Leadership and Management 200000
HTHSCI 3X00 A/BPraxis Pathways 300000
HTHSCI 4NU3Nutrition00000
HTHSCI 4R09 A/BThesis in Biomedical Sciences00000
HTHSCI 4SS6 A/BGroup Process Practicum00000
HTHSCI 4W03Special Topics in Health Sciences II00000
HTHSCI 4XX3Professional Transitions00000
HTHSCI 4ZZ3Global Health Advocacy00000
HTHSCI 1LL3Human Biochemistry I00000
HTHSCI 2LA2 A/BIntroduction to Integrated Pathophysiology for Nursing for Basic Stream00000
HTHSCI 3BM6 A/B SResearch Project in Biomedical Sciences00000
HTHSCI 1G02Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving in Health00000
HTHSCI 1I06 A/BCellular and Molecular Biology00000
HTHSCI 1M03Foundations of Data Science00000
HTHSCI 2AE3Artistic Explorations of Community Issues00000
HTHSCI 2D06 A/BInquiry II: Introduction and Biochemistry00000
HTHSCI 2K03Cell Biology00000
HTHSCI 2T03Sex, Gender, & Health00000
HTHSCI 3BA3Symptomatology00000
HTHSCI 2RR3Introduction to the Social Determinants of Health00000
HTHSCI 3CH3CHS Inquiry Intermediate00000
HTHSCI 3CH9 A/BCHS Inquiry Intermediate00000
HTHSCI 3E03Inquiry III: Advanced Inquiry in Health Sciences00000
HTHSCI 3GG3Health Systems and Health Policy00000
HTHSCI 3HH3Deceptions in Decision Making00000
HTHSCI 3MU3Music, Health, & the Community00000
HTHSCI 3RS3Exploring the Foundations of Rehabilitation Sciences00000
HTHSCI 3U03Medical Genetics00000
HTHSCI 4G12 A/BThesis in Global Health00000
HTHSCI 4BB3Neuroimmunology00000
HTHSCI 4C09 A/BThesis in Child Health00000
HTHSCI 4C15 A/BThesis in Child Health00000
HTHSCI 4CH6 A/BCHS Inquiry Advanced00000
HTHSCI 4D06 A/BSenior Project in Engaging the City00000
HTHSCI 4DE3Senior Project in Engaging the City00000
HTHSCI 4F03Interdisciplinary Health & Wellness00000
HTHSCI 4G03Pathoanatomy00000
HTHSCI 4AL3Model Systems00000
HTHSCI 4J03Immunological Principles In Practice00000
HTHSCI 4LA3Innovation By Design II00000
HTHSCI 4LL3Integrated Health Systems00000
HTHSCI 4NR3Nursing Research00000
HTHSCI 4O03Principles of Virus Pathogenesis00000
HTHSCI 4SA3Competitive Advantage Through People00000
HTHSCI 4TT3 A/B SResearch Practicum00000
HTHSCI 4XP3 A/BPraxis Pathways 400000
HTHSCI 3CC3Theatre for Development00000
HTHSCI 3PF1Integrated Pathophysiology for Accelerated Stream00000
HTHSCI 4E06 A/B SLeadership and Management00000
HTHSCI 2CH6 A/BCHS Inquiry Fundamentals00000
HTHSCI 2E03Inquiry II: Biochemistry00000
HTHSCI 2FF3Human Physiology and Anatomy II00000
HTHSCI 2GG3Statistics & Epidemiology 200000
HTHSCI 2X03 A/BPraxis Pathways 200000
HTHSCI 3BE4 A/B SNursing Concepts in Continence Care00000
HTHSCI 1C06 A/BWorking Across Difference in Midwifery00000
HTHSCI 3CH6 A/B SCHS Research Practicum00000
HTHSCI 3EE3Biomedical Graphics00000
HTHSCI 3G03Critical Appraisal of the Medical Literature00000
HTHSCI 3H06 A/B SInquiry Project00000
HTHSCI 3MH3Critical Examination of Mental Health00000
HTHSCI 3S03Communication Skills00000
HTHSCI 3V03Research and Experimental Design00000
HTHSCI 4A09 A/B SThesis00000