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McMaster Course Reviews

McMaster University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
KINESIOL 1A03Human Anatomy and Physiology I3.12.33.353
KINESIOL 1F03Human Nutrition and Health4.94552
KINESIOL 2C03Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology12321
KINESIOL 1E03Motor Control and Learning33431
KINESIOL 1YY3Human Anatomy and Physiology II00000
KINESIOL 4V03Human Factors and Cognitive Ergonomics00000
KINESIOL 2E03Musculoskeletal Anatomy00000
KINESIOL 3AA3Biomechanics II00000
KINESIOL 3F03Athletic Training & Conditioning00000
KINESIOL 3L03Exercise Testing and Prescription00000
KINESIOL 3U03Human Growth and Maturation00000
KINESIOL 4A03Advanced Biomechanics00000
KINESIOL 4C03Integrative Physiology of Human Performance00000
KINESIOL 4J03Functional Anatomy00000
KINESIOL 4S03Physical Activity in Chronic Health Impairments00000
KINESIOL 1Y03Human Anatomy and Physiology I00000
KINESIOL 2CC3Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Exercise Physiology00000
KINESIOL 2YY3Human Anatomy and Physiology II00000
KINESIOL 3E03Neural Control of Human Movement00000
KINESIOL 3K03Sports Injuries00000
KINESIOL 3RP3Kinesiology Research Practicum00000
KINESIOL 3Z03Neuromuscular Plasticity In Health And Disease00000
KINESIOL 4BB3Ergonomics II: Mechanism of Injury and Prevention00000
KINESIOL 4GG3Clinical Biomechanics00000
KINESIOL 4Q03Paediatric Exercise Physiology00000
KINESIOL 2G03Health Psychology00000
KINESIOL 2A03Biomechanics00000
KINESIOL 2F03Growth, Maturation and Physical Activity in Children and Youth00000
KINESIOL 2Y03Human Anatomy and Physiology I00000
KINESIOL 3H03Exercise Psychology00000
KINESIOL 3N03Ergonomics I: Workplace Injury Risk Assessment00000
KINESIOL 3V03Sport Psychology00000
KINESIOL 4AA3Applied Biomechanics00000
KINESIOL 4CN3Clinical Neurophysiology00000
KINESIOL 4H03Physical Activity Behaviour Change00000
KINESIOL 4RR6 A/BThesis00000
KINESIOL 4W03Exploring Movement and Posture00000
KINESIOL 1K03Foundations in Kinesiology00000
KINESIOL 3B03Adapted Physical Activity00000
KINESIOL 3HN3Human Neurophysiology00000
KINESIOL 3Q03Motor Development Across the Lifespan00000
KINESIOL 3Y03Human Nutrition and Metabolism00000
KINESIOL 4B03Cardiovascular Disease: Pathophysiology and Rehabilitation00000
KINESIOL 4EE3Professional Placement in Kinesiology00000
KINESIOL 4KK3Fundamentals of Rehabilitation00000
KINESIOL 4SS3Human Aging: Biological and Lifestyle Influences00000
KINESIOL 4Y03Cognitive Neuroscience of Exercise00000
KINESIOL 1AA3Human Anatomy and Physiology II00000