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McMaster Course Reviews

McMaster University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
LIFESCI 2G03Genes, Genomes and Society4.53.5432
LIFESCI 3J03Human Biomechanics434.542
LIFESCI 2D03Behavioural Processes32441
LIFESCI 2AA3Introduction to Topics in Life Sciences35231
LIFESCI 3M03Cellular Dynamics11111
LIFESCI 2BP3Biophysics of the Cell and Living Organisms42341
LIFESCI 2N03Human Nutrition for Life Sciences43451
LIFESCI 3LL3Living Systems Laboratory Practicum54441
LIFESCI 2L03Living Systems Laboratory43451
LIFESCI 2A03Research Methods in Life Sciences25121
LIFESCI 4I03Research Seminar00000
LIFESCI 4X03The Biopsychology of Sex00000
LIFESCI 2X03Environmental Change and Human Health00000
LIFESCI 3BP3Modelling Life00000
LIFESCI 4Q03Research Seminar00000
LIFESCI 3RC3Radioisotopes in Medicine00000
LIFESCI 4B09 A/B SIndependent Project00000
LIFESCI 4E03Science & Storytelling00000
LIFESCI 3YY3Peer Mentoring in Laboratory Skill Development00000
LIFESCI 4N03Research Seminar00000
LIFESCI 4M03Research Seminar00000
LIFESCI 4Y03Applied Biomechanics00000
LIFESCI 2CC3Fundamentals of Neuroscience00000
LIFESCI 4H03Regeneration: What Can We Learn From Animal Models?00000
LIFESCI 3BM3Implanted Biomaterials00000
LIFESCI 3G03Introduction to Epidemiology00000
LIFESCI 4CM3Foundations of Disease States Inquiry Lab00000
LIFESCI 3Q03Global Human Health and Disease00000
LIFESCI 1D03Medical Imaging Physics00000
LIFESCI 3BB3Neurobiology of Disease00000
LIFESCI 3EP3Life Sciences Applied Placement00000
LIFESCI 3L03Laboratory Methods in Life Sciences00000
LIFESCI 3N03Human Nutritional Toxicology00000
LIFESCI 3RP3Life Sciences Research Practicum00000
LIFESCI 3Z03Life Sciences Inquiry00000
LIFESCI 4C12 A/B SIndependent Thesis00000
LIFESCI 4EP6 A/B SLife Sciences Advanced Placement00000
LIFESCI 4J03Science Communication in the Media00000
LIFESCI 4O03Research Seminar00000
LIFESCI 4U03Mechanisms of Disease00000
LIFESCI 4W03Advanced Topics in Nutrition00000
LIFESCI 4XX3The Synapse00000
LIFESCI 3AA3Human Pathophysiology00000
LIFESCI 3E03Reproductive Endocrinology00000
LIFESCI 3K03Neural Control of Human Movement00000
LIFESCI 3P03Science Communication in Life Sciences00000
LIFESCI 3XX3Peer Mentoring in Science Communication00000
LIFESCI 4A03Independent Study00000
LIFESCI 4D15 A/B SIndependent Thesis00000
LIFESCI 4F03Emerging Paradigms in Environmental Change and Health00000
LIFESCI 4L03Research Seminar00000
LIFESCI 4P03Research Seminar00000
LIFESCI 4V03Extracellular Vesicles in Health and Disease00000