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McMaster Course Reviews

McMaster University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MUSIC 2MT3Introduction to the Practice of Music Therapy4.
MUSIC 1CR3Rudiments of Music35211
MUSIC 2F03Music for Film and Television55521
MUSIC 1EE6 A/BSolo Performance00000
MUSIC 3E03Solo Performance00000
MUSIC 3AA3Elementary Music Education00000
MUSIC 2MU3Introduction to Music Therapy Research00000
MUSIC 2II3Popular Music in North America and the United Kingdom: Post-World War II00000
MUSIC 2GP3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Percussion Ensemble00000
MUSIC 2GC3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster University Choir00000
MUSIC 2EE6 A/BSolo Performance00000
MUSIC 2CB3Theory and Analysis III00000
MUSIC 2A03Music of the World’s Cultures00000
MUSIC 1GP3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Percussion Ensemble00000
MUSIC 1GC3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster University Choir00000
MUSIC 3GB3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Concert Band00000
MUSIC 1DA3Practical Musicianship I00000
MUSIC 1AA3Introduction to the History of Music II00000
MUSIC 4Z03Composition00000
MUSIC 4V03Current Issues in Music Education00000
MUSIC 4M03 A/BString Methods00000
MUSIC 4GR3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Chamber Orchestra00000
MUSIC 4GF3 A/BEnsemble Performance: David Gerry Flute Ensemble00000
MUSIC 4EE6 A/BSolo Performance00000
MUSIC 4EE3Solo Performance00000
MUSIC 4E06 A/BSolo Performance00000
MUSIC 4EE9 A/BSolo Performance, Diploma00000
MUSIC 4X03Advanced Independent Study00000
MUSIC 4OC3Advanced Conducting: Choral00000
MUSIC 4K03Brass Methods00000
MUSIC 4GA3 A/BEnsemble Performance: Accompanying00000
MUSIC 4ZZ3Advanced Composition00000
MUSIC 4SS3Special Studies in Chamber Music or Accompanying II00000
MUSIC 4L03Woodwind Methods00000
MUSIC 4GW3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Cantemus Vocal Ensemble00000
MUSIC 4GP3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Percussion Ensemble00000
MUSIC 4GC3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster University Choir00000
MUSIC 4GB3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Concert Band00000
MUSIC 3EE6 A/BSolo Performance00000
MUSIC 4E09 A/BSolo Performance, Diploma00000
MUSIC 4E03Solo Performance00000
MUSIC 3X03Independent Study00000
MUSIC 3SS3Special Studies in Chamber Music or Accompanying I00000
MUSIC 3O03Conducting00000
MUSIC 3M03 A/BString Methods00000
MUSIC 3JJ3Topics in Music History: Music Before c. 175000000
MUSIC 3GW3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Cantemus Vocal Ensemble00000
MUSIC 3GJ3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Jazz Band00000
MUSIC 3V03Foundations of Music Education00000
MUSIC 3CT3Tonal Counterpoint00000
MUSIC 1A03Introduction to the History of Music I00000
MUSIC 4Y03Topics in Music History: Advanced Musicology Seminar00000
MUSIC 4OI3Advanced Conducting: Instrumental00000
MUSIC 4N03Choral Methods00000
MUSIC 4H03Advanced Studies in Analysis00000
MUSIC 4GJ3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Jazz Band00000
MUSIC 3KK3Topics in Music History: Music from c. 1750-c. 190000000
MUSIC 3J03Orchestration and Arranging00000
MUSIC 3GP3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Percussion Ensemble00000
MUSIC 3GC3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster University Choir00000
MUSIC 3EE3Solo Performance00000
MUSIC 1DB3Practical Musicianship II00000
MUSIC 2U03Jazz00000
MUSIC 2MC3Psychology of Music00000
MUSIC 2GR3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Chamber Orchestra00000
MUSIC 2GF3 A/BEnsemble Performance: David Gerry Flute Ensemble00000
MUSIC 2DA3Practical Musicianship III00000
MUSIC 2CA3Theory and Analysis II00000
MUSIC 1MH3Music History I: Music and Culture00000
MUSIC 1GR3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Chamber Orchestra00000
MUSIC 1GF3 A/BEnsemble Performance: David Gerry Flute Ensemble00000
MUSIC 1E06 A/BSolo Performance00000
MUSIC 3CM3Modal Counterpoint00000
MUSIC 1CB3Theory and Analysis I00000
MUSIC 3P03Percussion Methods00000
MUSIC 3N03Vocal Methods00000
MUSIC 3L03Woodwind Methods00000
MUSIC 3K03Brass Methods00000
MUSIC 3H03Analysis00000
MUSIC 3GR3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Chamber Orchestra00000
MUSIC 3GF3 A/BEnsemble Performance: David Gerry Flute Ensemble00000
MUSIC 3GA3 A/BEnsemble Performance: Accompanying00000
MUSIC 3E06 A/BSolo Performance00000
MUSIC 4C03Advanced Studies in Harmony and Counterpoint00000
MUSIC 2TT3Broadway and the Popular Song00000
MUSIC 2MH3Music History: Music in Western Culture from Antiquity to c. 175000000
MUSIC 2GW3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Cantemus Vocal Ensemble00000
MUSIC 2GJ3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Jazz Band00000
MUSIC 2GB3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Concert Band00000
MUSIC 2E06 A/BSolo Performance00000
MUSIC 2B03Music History: Music in Western Culture from c. 1750 to the Present00000
MUSIC 1GW3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Cantemus Vocal Ensemble00000
MUSIC 1GJ3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Jazz Band00000
MUSIC 1GB3 A/BEnsemble Performance: McMaster Concert Band00000