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MHC Course Reviews

Mount Holyoke College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTH 242History of Photography: The First Hundred Years00000
ARTH 290NEIssues in Art History: 'Nature and Environment in the Ancien...00000
ARTH 290QUIssues in Art History: 'Arts and Cultures Across Antiquity'00000
ARTH 290BKIssues in Art History: 'Art of the Book'00000
ARTH 295PIndependent Study with Practicum00000
ARTH 301MHTopics in Art History: 'Making History'00000
ARTH 301TCTopics in Art History: 'Technologies of Architectural Design...00000
ARTH 302PAGreat Cities: 'Reimagining Paris'00000
ARTH 310LMSeminar in Ancient Art: 'Love and Metamorphosis: Storytellin...00000
ARTH 395Independent Study00000
ARTH 100WAImage and Environment: 'Western Art: 1400-2000'00000
ARTH 105Arts of Asia00000
ARTH 222Age of the Cathedrals: Gothic Art in Europe, 1100-150000000
ARTH 233Renaissance and Baroque Architecture in Italy00000
ARTH 290PMIssues in Art History: 'Pompeii'00000
ARTH 245Art of Cold War Modernity00000
ARTH 261Arts of China00000
ARTH 271Arts of Islam: Book, Mosque, and Palace00000
ARTH 290NMIssues in Art History: 'The Art of Play: Visual Art and the...00000
ARTH 290CRIssues in Art History: 'The City of Rome From Romulus to Con...00000
ARTH 290MBIssues in Art History: 'Medieval Bodies'00000
ARTH 290MUIssues in Art History: 'Museumized The History, Ethics, and...00000
ARTH 295Independent Study00000
ARTH 301AFTopics in Art History: 'African American Art'00000
ARTH 301DETopics in Art History: 'Destroying Art Past and Present'00000
ARTH 310BASeminar in Ancient Art: 'The Body in Classical Art'00000
ARTH 310CASeminar in Ancient Art: 'Collecting Global Antiquity'00000
ARTH 300CRSeminar: 'Critical Approaches to Art Historical Study'00000
ARTH 101The Built Environment00000
ARTH 202Talking Pictures: An Introduction to Film00000
ARTH 230Italian Renaissance Art00000
ARTH 236The Global Renaissance00000
ARTH 243ARArchitecture 1890-1990: 'Building the Modern Environment'00000
ARTH 246Photography As Art00000
ARTH 262Arts of Japan00000
ARTH 290AMIssues in Art History: 'Miniature Representations of Archite...00000
ARTH 290BCIssues in Art History: 'Bollywood: A Cinema of Interruptions...00000
ARTH 290THIssues in Art History: 'The City of Athens from Theseus to A...00000
ARTH 290ACIssues in Art History: 'Development of Ancient Cities'00000
ARTH 290APIssues in Art History: 'Ancient Painting and Mosaic'00000
ARTH 100PWImage and Environment: 'The Power of Images'00000
ARTH 301MUTopics in Art History: 'Anthropology in/of Museums'00000
ARTH 301BKTopics in Art History: 'The Art of the Book: From Manuscript...00000
ARTH 310GASeminar in Ancient Art: 'Designing a Global Gallery of Ancie...00000
ARTH 340AMSeminar in Modern Art: 'After Impressionism'00000
ARTH 100SEImage and Environment: 'Ways of Seeing'00000
ARTH 104Talking Pictures: An Introduction to Film00000
ARTH 216Empire: The Visual World of Ancient Rome00000
ARTH 231Northern Renaissance Art00000
ARTH 241Nineteenth-Century European Art: Neoclassicism to Impression...00000
ARTH 244Global Modernism00000
ARTH 250American Art00000
ARTH 263Arts of India00000