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Miami Course Reviews

Miami University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 115Biolog Concepts: Ecol Evol Gen32331
BIO 161Principles of Human Physiology44341
BIO 221Plant Propagation00000
BIO 466Bioinformatics Computing Skill00000
BIO 241Bot Princ Landscape Gardening00000
BIO 256Programming in Life Sciences00000
BIO 305Human Physiology00000
BIO 306Basic Horticulture00000
BIO 312Invertebrate Zoology00000
BIO 314Plant Diversity00000
BIO 333Field Ecology00000
BIO 342WGenetics00000
BIO 355Paleoanthropology00000
BIO 361WPatterns in Development00000
BIO 400WCapstone: Contemporary Issues00000
BIO 407WIchthyology00000
BIO 410WMammalogy00000
BIO 425WEnvironmental Plant Physiology00000
BIO 463WLimnology00000
BIO 464Lab in Cell/Molecular Biology00000
BIO 467WConservation Biology00000
BIO 157Nature for Non-Biologists00000
BIO 115HBiolog Concepts: Ecol Evol Gen00000
BIO 116HBiological Concepts: Structure00000
BIO 116Biological Concepts: Structure00000
BIO 121HEnvironmental Biology00000
BIO 121Environmental Biology00000
BIO 126Evolution: Just a theory?00000
BIO 128Religion, Science, and Origins00000
BIO 131Plants Humanity & Environment00000
BIO 147Introductory Seminar00000
BIO 209Fundamentals of Ecology00000
BIO 159Seminar in Neuroscience00000
BIO 171Human Anatomy And Physiology00000
BIO 176Ecology Of North America00000
BIO 201Human Anatomy00000
BIO 203WIntro to Cell Biology00000
BIO 204WEvolution of Plant Diversity00000
BIO 205Dendrology00000
BIO 206WEvolutionary Biology00000
BIO 657Regional Ecology00000
BIO 622Urban Ecology00000
BIO 624PollinatorBiology&Conservation00000
BIO 627Global Biomes00000
BIO 632Biology in Age of Technology00000
BIO 634Issues in Evolution00000
BIO 636Sci.Leadership &Media Workshop00000
BIO 638Climate Change00000
BIO 640Internship00000
BIO 655Master Plan in Action00000
BIO 606Advanced Cell Biology00000
BIO 662Animal Behavior & Conservation00000
BIO 667Cons Rsch at Lvng Collect Inst00000
BIO 672Ecosystem and Global Ecology00000
BIO 677WIndependent Studies00000
BIO 695Plants & People00000
BIO 710Advanced Seminar00000
BIO 750NAdvanced Plant Taxonomy00000
BIO 750Soil and Climate Change00000
BIO 549Biology Of Cancer00000
BIO 471WMolecular Physiology00000
BIO 482WScanning Electrn Microscpy Lab00000
BIO 485Bioinformatics Principles00000
BIO 497Primate Socio-Ecology00000
BIO 502Plant Anatomy00000
BIO 508Ornithology00000
BIO 522Evol & Population Genetics00000
BIO 532Ecoregions of North America00000
BIO 538Soil Ecology00000
BIO 104Success in the Sciences00000
BIO 553Animal Physiological Ecology00000
BIO 563Limnology00000
BIO 565Animal Behavior00000
BIO 567Conservation Biology00000
BIO 569Neurophysiology00000
BIO 581Theory of Electron Microscopy00000
BIO 583Transmis Electrn Microscpy Lab00000
BIO 601Seminar for Graduate Students00000
BIO 449WBiology Of Cancer00000
BIO 402Plant Anatomy00000
BIO 408Ornithology00000
BIO 422WEvol & Population Genetics00000
BIO 431Global Plant Diversity00000
BIO 432Ecoregions of North America00000
BIO 433WField Ecology00000
BIO 437Paleontology in Conservation00000
BIO 438Soil Ecology00000
BIO 444WMolecular Biology00000
BIO 395Primate Biology and Behavior00000
BIO 451WConserv. Educ. & Comm. Engag.00000
BIO 453Animal Physiological Ecology00000
BIO 454Endocrinology00000
BIO 457WNeuroanatomy00000
BIO 464WLab in Cell/Molecular Biology00000
BIO 465WAnimal Behavior00000
BIO 467Conservation Biology00000
BIO 469WNeurophysiology00000
BIO 232Human Heredity00000
BIO 155Field Botany00000
BIO 172Human Anatomy and Physiology00000
BIO 191Plant Biology00000
BIO 203Intro to Cell Biology00000
BIO 203HIntro to Cell Biology00000
BIO 204Evolution of Plant Diversity00000
BIO 206Evolutionary Biology00000
BIO 209WFundamentals of Ecology00000
BIO 209HFundamentals of Ecology00000
BIO 481Theory of Electron Microscopy00000
BIO 244Viticulture And Enology00000
BIO 302Plant Taxonomy00000
BIO 305WHuman Physiology00000
BIO 311Vertebrate Zoology00000
BIO 325Pathophysiology00000
BIO 342Genetics00000
BIO 351Environ Ed: Focus On Natrl Hst00000
BIO 361Patterns in Development00000
BIO 658Ecophysiology00000
BIO 623Human Dimensions of Conserv00000
BIO 625Envir & Informal Sci Education00000
BIO 631Conservation Science&Community00000
BIO 633Issues in Biodiversity00000
BIO 635Leadership in Science Inquiry00000
BIO 637Master's Capstone00000
BIO 639Master's Capstone: MAT00000
BIO 650Seminar in Molecular Biology00000
BIO 656Env Stwdshp in My Commn00000
BIO 620Graduate Research00000
BIO 663Project Design & Assessment00000
BIO 671Population & Community Ecology00000
BIO 675Inquiry & Action00000
BIO 694Habitats,Adaptations&Evolution00000
BIO 696Primate Behavior & Conservtn00000
BIO 750MPlant Taxonomy & Evolution00000
BIO 750ITechniques:Electron Microscopy00000
BIO 102Intro to Research in Biology00000
BIO 551Conserv. Educ. & Comm. Engag.00000
BIO 483Transmis Electrn Microscpy Lab00000
BIO 491Seminar In Biology00000
BIO 498Evolution Of Human Behavior00000
BIO 507Ichthyology00000
BIO 510Mammalogy00000
BIO 525Environmental Plant Physiology00000
BIO 537Paleontology in Conservation00000
BIO 544Molecular Biology00000
BIO 103Research in Biology Lab00000
BIO 554Endocrinology00000
BIO 557Neuroanatomy00000
BIO 564Lab in Cell/Molecular Biology00000
BIO 566Bioinformatics Computing Skill00000
BIO 571Molecular Physiology00000
BIO 582Scanning Electrn Microscpy Lab00000
BIO 585Bioinformatics Principles00000
BIO 605Advanced Molecular Biology00000