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Miami Course Reviews

Miami University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GTY 602Perspectives in Gerontology00000
GTY 260Global Aging00000
GTY 318Social Forces and Aging00000
GTY 357Medical Sociology00000
GTY 474Using Large Datasets00000
GTY 479Rsrch Inequality Aging & Hlth00000
GTY 491Social Network Analysis00000
GTY 556Aging & Health00000
GTY 574Using Large Datasets00000
GTY 579Rsrch Inequality Aging & Hlth00000
GTY 601New Frontiers in Aging00000
GTY 154Big Ideas in Aging00000
GTY 605Gerontology Proseminar 200000
GTY 607Gerontology Proseminar 400000
GTY 609Qualitative Research Methods00000
GTY 612Innovations Aging Marketplace00000
GTY 667Policy & Politics of Aging00000
GTY 705Oral and Written Communication00000
GTY 708Quant. Methods & Statistics00000
GTY 718Statistical Modeling00000
GTY 747Demography& Epidemiology Aging00000
GTY 751Categorical Modeling in Aging00000
GTY 591Social Network Analysis00000
GTY 244Pre-Internship in Gerontology00000
GTY 310OMA Leadership Experience00000
GTY 354Issues & Controversities00000
GTY 362Data & Decision Making00000
GTY 365Social Pol & Prgms in Gerontol00000
GTY 440PGerontology Practice Internshp00000
GTY 440Gerontology Internship00000
GTY 440RGerontology Research Internshp00000
GTY 456Aging & Health00000
GTY 465Policies & Progs Aging Soc00000
GTY 110OMA Volunteer Experience00000
GTY 604Gerontology Proseminar 100000
GTY 606Gerontology Proseminar 300000
GTY 608The Logic of Inquiry00000
GTY 611Linking Research and Practice00000
GTY 641Orgnztns & Aging Enterprise00000
GTY 702Knwldge Construction/AdvTheory00000
GTY 707Teaching in Gerontology 300000
GTY 709Adv Qualitative Research/Mthds00000
GTY 745Sociology of Aging00000
GTY 750Special Topics-Quantitative00000