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Middlebury Course Reviews

Middlebury College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AMST 0281Controversies in AmArt&Museums00000
AMST 0240Captivity Narratives00000
AMST 0231Tourism in American Culture00000
AMST 0224Race and Ethnicity in the US00000
AMST 0213Intro to Latina/o Studies00000
AMST 0206Please register via ENAM 0206A00000
AMST 0203Please register via WRPR 0203A00000
AMST 0108Childhood in America00000
AMST 0101Intro to American Studies:00000
AMST 0251Monuments and Memorials00000
AMST 0272Capturing Nature00000
AMST 0264Chicagoland00000
AMST 0261Podcasting Past Leisure00000
AMST 0253Science Fiction00000
AMST 0245American Landscape: 1825-186500000
AMST 0232Please register via MUSC 0232A00000
AMST 0225Gothic and Horror00000
AMST 0304The Graphic Novel00000
AMST 0500Independent Study00000
AMST 0445Please register via HIST 0445A00000
AMST 0358Reading Slavery and Abolition00000
AMST 0355Please register via FMMC 0355A00000
AMST 0345Black Lives Matter00000
AMST 0325American Misogyny00000
AMST 0313VT Incarcerated: Digital Hist00000
AMST 0310Livin' for the City00000
AMST 0215Football and Higher Education00000
AMST 0301Madness in America00000
AMST 0294Hemingway's Outsized Life00000
AMST 0284Cultural History of Computer00000
AMST 0279The Guitar in American Culture00000
AMST 0269Please register via GSFS 0269A00000
AMST 0262Class, Culture, Representation00000
AMST 0259Re-Presenting Slavery00000
AMST 0243American Bodies00000
AMST 0300Everglades History and Science00000
AMST 0291Portraits of the Lady00000
AMST 0282Please register via ENAM 0282A00000
AMST 0273Art&Material Culture Am Home00000
AMST 0268Chicago: Texts & Contexts00000
AMST 0263Please register via ENAM 0263A00000
AMST 0260American Disability Studies00000
AMST 0252African American Literature00000
AMST 0302Love, Sex, Race & Disability00000
AMST 0234American Consumer Culture00000
AMST 0227Asian Americas00000
AMST 0216Please register via HIST 0216A00000
AMST 0210Mod. American Cult. 1830-191900000
AMST 0208Black Womanhood/Pop. Culture00000
AMST 0204Black Comic Cultures00000
AMST 0175Immigrant America00000
AMST 0107Black Freedom Struggles00000
AMST 0307Disability Issues/U.S. & World00000
AMST 0312Disability in Film and TV00000
AMST 0314VT Collabor Public Humanities00000
AMST 0342Please register via ENAM 0342A00000
AMST 0349Toni Morrison American Culture00000
AMST 0400Theory and Method00000
AMST 0408Art & Life of Winslow Homer00000
AMST 0478Please register via IGST 0478A00000
AMST 0701Senior Work I00000
AMST 0705Senior Research Tutorial00000
AMST 0710Honors Thesis00000
AMST 0104Please register via FMMC 0104A00000
AMST 0180Critical Studies of Sport00000
AMST 0205World War I & American Art00000
AMST 0209Am. Lit. & Cult: origins-183000000