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Middlebury Course Reviews

Middlebury College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 0275Cities of Hope and Despair53441
ANTH 0337Love, Sex, and Marriage00000
ANTH 2360Indigenous Peoples&Glbl Pandem00000
ANTH 0351Please register via EDST 0351A00000
ANTH 0375Please register via EDST 0375A00000
ANTH 0396Linguistic Anthropology Method00000
ANTH 0492Archaeology Method & Theory00000
ANTH 0710Multi-Semester Senior Project00000
ANTH 0227Aztec Empire/Spanish Conquest00000
ANTH 0230Please register via JAPN 0230A00000
ANTH 0232Africa and Anthropology00000
ANTH 0270Anthro of Global Corporations00000
ANTH 0302Ethnographic Research00000
ANTH 0306Topics Anthropology Theory00000
ANTH 0324Please register via GSFS 0324A00000
ANTH 0335The Anthropology of China00000
ANTH 0340The Traveling Tonic00000
ANTH 0355Race Ethnicity Across Cultures00000
ANTH 0385Please register via ENVS 0385A00000
ANTH 0410Sorcery in Mesoamerica00000
ANTH 0500Advanced Individual Study00000
ANTH 2322Introduction to the Maghreb00000
ANTH 0241Anthro Warfare & Polarization00000
ANTH 0107Introduction to Archaeology00000
ANTH 0109Language, Culture, Society00000
ANTH 0110Please register via JAPN 0110A00000
ANTH 0125Language Structure & Function00000
ANTH 0159Intro Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 0211Environmental Anthropology00000
ANTH 0223Andean Civilizations00000
ANTH 0225Native North America00000
ANTH 0228The Ancient Maya00000
ANTH 0231Everyday Life in South Asia00000
ANTH 0103Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 0274Global Migration00000
ANTH 0287Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 0304Gender, Culture, and Power00000
ANTH 0308Please register via GSFS 0308A00000
ANTH 0330Please register via JAPN 0330A00000
ANTH 0345Anthropology of Food00000
ANTH 0357Death and the Body00000
ANTH 0395Environmental Communication00000
ANTH 0450Anthropology of Development00000
ANTH 0700One-Semester Senior Project00000