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Millikin Course Reviews

Millikin University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ED 202Early Childhood Methods00000
ED 207Elem. Social Studies Methods00000
ED 220Intro Ed Ind w/Lrn Disb K-1200000
ED 240Inf-Tdlr Intnsv:Parents/Assmnt00000
ED 305Literacy III: Tchng Methds Rdg00000
ED 314Physical Development & Health00000
ED 335Chld, Family & Commnty Engmnt00000
ED 370Clinical Internship III00000
ED 420Instr Anlys Dsgn Assmnt00000
ED 450Mid Grde: Philosopy & Practice00000
ED 473Developmental Therapy Intrnshp00000
ED 478Suprv'd Teaching: High School00000
ED 490Instrctnal Developmnt Capstone00000
ED 115Strat fr Ind w/Lrng Disb K-1200000
ED 203General Elementary Methods00000
ED 209Foundations of ESL&Bilingl Ed00000
ED 237Hlth/Nutr/Wlfr of Yng Childrn00000
ED 270Clinical Internship II00000
ED 306Mtds Assssng Sci Elem Educ00000
ED 321Gen Mid Grd & Sec Meth/Assmnt00000
ED 336Tch Math/Science Erly Chldhd00000
ED 401Integrating Culture in Classrm00000
ED 435Reading Methods-Early Childhd00000
ED 441Mdl Grde Intrnsp Early Adolscn00000
ED 474Suprv'd Tching Early Childhood00000
ED 479Suprv'd Clincl Exp. in K-1200000
ED 488Education Senior Seminar00000
ED 481Topics in Education00000
ED 204Literacy I: Children's Lit.00000
ED 210Human Development K-1200000
ED 232Early Childhood Development00000
ED 239Chr. Of Yng Chidrn w/Spc Needs00000
ED 301Accs to Gen. Curr. & IEPs K-1200000
ED 310Creating Comm. of Learners00000
ED 325Assesmnt of English Lang. Lrns00000
ED 337Art Intgrt in Erly Chldhd ElEd00000
ED 408Digansis&Assmt Excp Nds K-1200000
ED 439Assess/Diag Chldw/SpecialNeeds00000
ED 451Mid Grde Intnsp Mid Lvl Phil00000
ED 476Suprv'd Teaching: Elem School00000
ED 120Intro to American Education00000
ED 170Education Internship I00000
ED 206Language Arts Methods00000
ED 215Diff/K-12 w/Mld-Mod Lrn Needs00000
ED 238Lang Develpmnt & Linguistics00000
ED 304Methods/Matrls Ed ELS Learners00000
ED 312Elem. Math Methods00000
ED 332Tch Lg Arts/Soc Stds Erly Chld00000
ED 339Mthds in Erly Chld Spcl Educ00000
ED 440Mid Grde: Erly Adolscent Schls00000
ED 470Special Topics in Education00000
ED 477Suprv'd Teaching:Middle School00000
ED 487Developmental Therapy Seminar00000