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Mississippi State Course Reviews

Mississippi State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AEC 6223Applied Quant Anal In Ag00000
AEC 4213Ag Finance I00000
AEC 4233Environmental Economics00000
AEC 4343Adv Farm Management00000
AEC 4413Public Problems of Ag00000
AEC 4623Gbl Mkg of Ag Prod00000
AEC 4713Quantitative Economics00000
AEC 4733Econometrics in Ag Econ00000
AEC 4990Special Topic In AEC - Precision AG00000
AEC 6113Agribus Firm Mgt00000
AEC 6123Fin & Comm Futures Mktg00000
AEC 6133Analysis Food Mkt/Prices00000
AEC 6213Ag Finance I00000
AEC 4123Fin & Comm Futures Mktg00000
AEC 6233Environmental Economics00000
AEC 6243Natural Resource Econ00000
AEC 6343Adv Farm Management00000
AEC 6363Economics of Precision Ag00000
AEC 6413Public Problem Of Ag00000
AEC 6530Internship AEC-AGBM00000
AEC 6713Quant Econ00000
AEC 7000Directed Indiv Study00000
AEC 8123Analysis of Ag Markets00000
AEC 8163Consum, Produc, Markets00000
AEC 8403Game Theory00000
AEC 8621Research Seminar II00000
AEC 4803Applied Quantitative Research00000
AEC 2611Seminar I00000
AEC 2713Intro to Food & Resource Econ00000
AEC 3113Intro To Quant Econ00000
AEC 3213International Trade in Ag00000
AEC 3513Food & Fiber Production00000
AEC 4113Agribusiness Firm Mgt00000
AEC 4133Food Markets & Prices00000
AEC 4223Applied Quant Anal in Ag00000
AEC 4243Natural Resource Econ00000
AEC 4363Economics of Precision Ag00000
AEC 4530Internship AEC-AGBM00000
AEC 4711Agri-marketing Practicum00000
AEC 1223Comp App for Ag & Life Sci00000
AEC 6623Gbl Mkg of Ag Prod00000
AEC 6733Economet Anal in Ag Econ00000
AEC 8000Research / Thesis00000
AEC 8143Ag Prod Economics00000
AEC 8233App Welf & Env Economics00000
AEC 8611Research Seminar I00000
AEC 2223Sustainability Economics00000
AEC 2631EES Seminar00000
AEC 3133Introductory Agribus Mgt00000
AEC 3233Intro to Env Econ & Policy00000
AEC 4000Directed Indiv Study00000