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Mississippi State Course Reviews

Mississippi State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSE 2383Data Struc & Anal of Alg55551
CSE 8753Wireless Networks52431
CSE 4214Intro to Software Eng00000
CSE 4800Undergraduate Research00000
CSE 4763Ethical and Legal Issues00000
CSE 4733Operating Systems I00000
CSE 4713Prog Languages00000
CSE 4653Cognitive Science00000
CSE 4633Artificial Intell00000
CSE 4613Bio-computing00000
CSE 4453Game Design00000
CSE 4383Network Security00000
CSE 4283Software Testing and QA00000
CSE 4253Secure Software Engineering00000
CSE 4233SW Arch & Design00000
CSE 4990Special Topic in CSE - Web Application Security00000
CSE 4173Cryptography00000
CSE 4153Data Comm Networks00000
CSE 3981Computer Ethics00000
CSE 3763Ethical and Legal Issues00000
CSE 3713Introduction to Cybersecurity00000
CSE 3223Software Eng Sr Project II00000
CSE 3183Systems Programming00000
CSE 2813Discrete Structures00000
CSE 2213Methods & Tools in S W Dev00000
CSE 6743Operating Systems II00000
CSE 9000Research/Diss00000
CSE 8843Seg/Parallel Alrthm00000
CSE 8813Theory of Computation00000
CSE 8743Advanced Network Security00000
CSE 8673Machine Learning00000
CSE 8423Data Science:Concepts & Pract00000
CSE 8273Software Reqts Eng00000
CSE 8080Directed Project Cs00000
CSE 8000Research /Thesis00000
CSE 7000Directed Indiv Study00000
CSE 6833Intro to Algorithms00000
CSE 1233Cmptr Prog-C00000
CSE 6714Theory & Implemen of Prog Lang00000
CSE 6653Cognitive Science00000
CSE 6633Artificial Intell00000
CSE 6503Database Management Systems00000
CSE 6413Computer Graphics00000
CSE 6363Software Reverse Engineering00000
CSE 6253Secure Software Engineering00000
CSE 6233SW Arch & Design00000
CSE 6214Intro to Software Eng00000
CSE 6163Des Parallel Alg00000
CSE 4243Info & Computer Security00000
CSE 6153Data Comm Networks00000
CSE 4833Intro to Algorithms00000
CSE 4743Operating Systems II00000
CSE 4714Theory & Implemen of Prog Lang00000
CSE 4663Human-Computer Intera00000
CSE 4643AI Robotics00000
CSE 4623Computational Biology00000
CSE 4503Database Management Systems00000
CSE 4413Computer Graphics00000
CSE 4363Software Reverse Engineering00000
CSE 4273Intro to Computer Forensics00000
CSE 6173Cryptography00000
CSE 4223Manage Software Project00000
CSE 4163Des Parallel Alg00000
CSE 4000Directed Indiv Study00000
CSE 3813Intro to Formal Lang00000
CSE 3723Computer Organization00000
CSE 3324Dist Client/Server Prog00000
CSE 3213Software Eng Sr Project I00000
CSE 2990Special Topic in CS - Data Science Literacy00000
CSE 1284Intro Comp Prog00000
CSE 1011Intro CSE00000
CSE 6763Ethical and Legal Issues00000
CSE 1001First Year Seminar - Cyber DawgsClick for more info00000
CSE 1002Intro CSE00000
CSE 8990Special Topic in CS - Advanced AI Robotics00000
CSE 8833Algorithms00000
CSE 8713Advanced Cyber Operations00000
CSE 8613Cognitive Skill Models00000
CSE 8413Visualization00000
CSE 8163Par & Dist Sci Comp00000
CSE 8011Seminar00000
CSE 6990Special Topic in CSE - Web Application Security00000
CSE 1384Intermed Comp Prog00000
CSE 6733Operating Systems I00000
CSE 6663Human-Computer Intera00000
CSE 6643AI Robotics00000
CSE 6623Computational Biology00000
CSE 6453Game Design00000
CSE 6383Network Security00000
CSE 6283Software Testing and QA00000
CSE 6273Intro to Computer Forensics00000
CSE 6243Info & Computer Secur00000
CSE 6223Manage Software Project00000