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Mizzou Course Reviews

University of Missouri

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AMS 1060Classical Mythology45311
AMS 1150The Archaeology of Ancient Lives00000
AMS 3350Advanced Mythology00000
AMS 3250WGreek and Roman Epic - Writing Intensive00000
AMS 3150The Age of Augustus00000
AMS 3005Topics in Ancient Mediterranean Studies - Humanities00000
AMS 2950Archaeological Methods00000
AMS 2550Farm to Table in Ancient Greece and Rome: Small Farms and Bi...00000
AMS 2410Ancient Technology00000
AMS 2300HAncient Authors: The Greeks - Honors00000
AMS 2100HThe Ancient Greeks - Honors00000
AMS 3650Paganism and Christianity00000
AMS 1105Undergraduate Topics in Ancient Mediterranean Studies - Huma...00000
AMS 1060WClassical Mythology - Writing Intensive00000
AMS 1050Greek and Latin in English00000
AMS 9090Doctoral Dissertation Research in Ancient Mediterranean Stud...00000
AMS 8490Seminar in Late Antique Art and Archaeology00000
AMS 8420Seminar in Roman Art and Archaeology00000
AMS 8090Master's Thesis Research and Thesis00000
AMS 8080Readings for MA Thesis in Ancient Mediterranean Studies00000
AMS 7940Archaeological Methods00000
AMS 7520Art and Archaeology of Early Medieval Europe00000
AMS 7600The Classical Tradition00000
AMS 4650The World of Late Antiquity00000
AMS 2070Cultural Ancestors of the Greeks and Romans: Roots and Branc...00000
AMS 7650The World of Late Antiquity00000
AMS 2700HBlack Dionysus: Greek Drama in Africa and the African Diaspo...00000
AMS 1170Heroes and Monsters: Greek Myth in the Visual Arts00000
AMS 9080Readings for PhD Dissertation in Ancient Mediterranean Studi...00000
AMS 8440Ancient/Medieval Topography00000
AMS 8320Seminar in Greek Art and Archaeology00000
AMS 8085Directed Readings in Ancient Mediterranean Studies00000
AMS 7960Special Readings in Classical Studies00000
AMS 7340Greek Cities and Sanctuaries00000
AMS 7460Roman Sculpture00000
AMS 7360Greek Sculpture00000
AMS 7320Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age00000
AMS 4960Special Readings in Ancient Mediterranean Studies00000
AMS 4600The Classical Tradition00000
AMS 4440Roman Architecture00000
AMS 4350Greek Pottery00000
AMS 4005Topics in Classical Humanities00000
AMS 3750HClassics in a Cross-Cultural Context - Honors00000
AMS 3600The Ancient Novel00000
AMS 7420Minor Arts of Antiquity00000
AMS 7350Greek Pottery00000
AMS 7005Topics in Ancient Mediterranean Studies00000
AMS 4996HHonors Proseminar I00000
AMS 4770Oral Tradition00000
AMS 4460Roman Sculpture00000
AMS 4420Minor Arts of Antiquity00000
AMS 4340Greek Cities and Sanctuaries00000
AMS 3775WThe Ancient World on Film - Writing Intensive00000
AMS 3750Classics in a Cross-Cultural Context00000
AMS 1060HWClassical Mythology - Honors/Writing Intensive00000
AMS 3410Roman Art and Archaeology00000
AMS 3300Greek Drama00000
AMS 3250Greek and Roman Epic00000
AMS 3120Art and Gender in Antiquity00000
AMS 3000Foreigners and Dangerous Women in Greek and Latin Literature00000
AMS 2940Service Learning in Classical Studies00000
AMS 2700Black Dionysus: Greek Drama in Africa and the African Diaspo...00000
AMS 2450The World of Pompeii00000
AMS 2400Roman Classics in Translation00000
AMS 3150HThe Age of Augustus - Honors00000
AMS 2300Ancient Authors: The Greeks00000
AMS 7000Introduction to Graduate Study in Classics00000
AMS 4800Political Thought in Classical and Christian Antiquity00000
AMS 4520Art and Archaeology of Early Medieval Europe00000
AMS 4360Greek Sculpture00000
AMS 4320Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age00000
AMS 3775The Ancient World on Film00000
AMS 3650HPaganism and Christianity - Honors00000
AMS 3450Greek and Roman Characters and Ideals00000
AMS 3310Greek Art and Archaeology00000
AMS 7440Roman Architecture00000
AMS 3100The Age of Pericles00000
AMS 3000WForeigners and Dangerous Women in Greek and Latin Literature...00000
AMS 2750Achilles in Vietnam00000
AMS 2600Media and Communication in Ancient Greece and Rome00000
AMS 2450HThe World of Pompeii - Honors00000
AMS 2200The Ancient Romans00000
AMS 2100The Ancient Greeks00000
AMS 2005Topics in Ancient Mediterranean Studies - Humanities00000
AMS 1140Ancient Cities00000