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Mizzou Course Reviews

University of Missouri

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGLSH 1000Writing and Rhetoric33331
ENGLSH 2030Professional Writing13211
ENGLSH 1700Introduction to Folklore Genres55531
ENGLSH 2310HMissouri Writers - Honors00000
ENGLSH 8520Advanced Writing of Nonfiction Prose00000
ENGLSH 1880Introduction to Digital Media Production00000
ENGLSH 4820Studies in Film Genre00000
ENGLSH 4100Genres00000
ENGLSH 3100Introduction to Literary Theory00000
ENGLSH 7169Major Authors, 1890-Present00000
ENGLSH 3850Studies in Film History00000
ENGLSH 8050Contemporary Critical Approaches00000
ENGLSH 8005Introduction to Graduate Study00000
ENGLSH 2005Topics in English - Humanities00000
ENGLSH 4510Creative Writing: Advanced Fiction00000
ENGLSH 3170WWorld Dramatic Literature - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 2300WStudies in American Literature - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 4420Africana Womanism00000
ENGLSH 3210Survey of British Literature: Romanticism to the Present00000
ENGLSH 7530Creative Writing: Advanced Poetry00000
ENGLSH 4970WCapstone Experience - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 3700American Folklore00000
ENGLSH 4129Ethnic Literature, 1890 to Present00000
ENGLSH 7140Modern Literature00000
ENGLSH 4200Introduction to Old English00000
ENGLSH 4560WAdvanced Playwriting: Problems - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 7670Field Methods in Linguistics00000
ENGLSH 7611The Story of English: Medieval to Modern00000
ENGLSH 8240Seminar in 18th-Century British Literature00000
ENGLSH 4188Major Women Writers, 1789-189000000
ENGLSH 1310Introduction to American Literature00000
ENGLSH 1100HReading Literature - Honors00000
ENGLSH 2150Popular Literature00000
ENGLSH 3005Topics in English - Humanities00000
ENGLSH 2870Film and Literature00000
ENGLSH 2140WTwentieth-Century Literature - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 3490Special Themes in Native American and Indigenous Studies00000
ENGLSH 4610History of the English Language00000
ENGLSH 4169Major Authors, 1890-Present00000
ENGLSH 2560Beginning Playwriting00000
ENGLSH 7045Rhetorical Studies00000
ENGLSH 2180WIntroduction to Women's Literature - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 731019th-Century American Literature00000
ENGLSH 3300Survey of American Literature: Beginnings to 186500000
ENGLSH 3560WIntermediate Playwriting - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 3420Periods and Genres in African Diaspora Literature00000
ENGLSH 4060Studies in Critical Theory00000
ENGLSH 7100Genres00000
ENGLSH 4168Major Authors, 1789-189000000
ENGLSH 2308Studies in American Literature, 1789-189000000
ENGLSH 4409Studies in African Diaspora Literature, 1890 to Present00000
ENGLSH 7179Comparative Approaches to Literature, 1890-Present00000
ENGLSH 4045Rhetorical Studies00000
ENGLSH 4620Regional and Social Dialects of American English00000
ENGLSH 7206Anglo-Saxon Literature00000
ENGLSH 4670WField Methods in Linguistics - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 4840Culture and Media00000
ENGLSH 7610History of the English Language00000
ENGLSH 7560Advanced Playwriting: Problems00000
ENGLSH 8001Topics in English-General00000
ENGLSH 4167WMajor Authors, 1603-1789 - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 8095Problems in English00000
ENGLSH 7700Special Themes in Folklore00000
ENGLSH 8320Seminar in 20th-Century American Literature00000
ENGLSH 2860Film Themes and Genres00000
ENGLSH 1100Reading Literature00000
ENGLSH 9090Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
ENGLSH 1800Introduction to Film Studies00000
ENGLSH 432020th-Century American Literature00000
ENGLSH 2100Writing About Literature00000
ENGLSH 1500Creative Writing: Introduction to Creative Writing00000
ENGLSH 2200WStudies in British Literature - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 2300Studies in American Literature00000
ENGLSH 2530Creative Writing: Intermediate Poetry00000
ENGLSH 2006WStudies in English, Beginning to 1603 - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 3080Sexuality and Gender Theory00000
ENGLSH 4530Creative Writing: Advanced Poetry00000
ENGLSH 3300WSurvey of American Literature: Beginnings to 1865 - Writing...00000
ENGLSH 2160Major Authors00000
ENGLSH 3880WWriting and Theory for Digital Media - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 3170World Dramatic Literature00000
ENGLSH 4140Modern Literature00000
ENGLSH 2311The Art and Science of Living00000
ENGLSH 4206WAnglo-Saxon Literature - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 4660Historical Linguistics00000
ENGLSH 4950Internship in Publishing00000
ENGLSH 2870WFilm and Literature - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 7129Ethnic Literature, 1890 to Present00000
ENGLSH 7167Major Authors, 1603-178900000
ENGLSH 7200Introduction to Old English00000
ENGLSH 3180Survey of Women Writers00000
ENGLSH 7480Major African Diaspora Women Writers00000
ENGLSH 4940Internship in English00000
ENGLSH 7580Adaptation of Literature for Film00000
ENGLSH 4960Special Readings in English00000
ENGLSH 3570Performance of Literature00000
ENGLSH 2200HStudies in British Literature - Honors00000
ENGLSH 4040Studies in Writing00000
ENGLSH 7040Studies in Writing00000
ENGLSH 4108Genres, 1789 to 189000000
ENGLSH 3560Intermediate Playwriting00000
ENGLSH 4166WMajor Authors, Beginning to 1603 - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 7108Genres, 1789 to 189000000
ENGLSH 4180Major Women Writers00000
ENGLSH 2000Studies in English00000
ENGLSH 4220Renaissance and Seventeenth Century Literature00000
ENGLSH 7168Major Authors, 1789-189000000
ENGLSH 4489Major African Diaspora Women Writers, 1890 to Present00000
ENGLSH 4000Advanced Studies in English00000
ENGLSH 4600Structure of American English00000
ENGLSH 7188Major Women Writers, 1789-189000000
ENGLSH 4640Syntax00000
ENGLSH 2400Introduction to African Diaspora Literature00000
ENGLSH 4770Oral Tradition00000
ENGLSH 7220Renaissance and 17th-Century English Literature00000
ENGLSH 4106Genres, Beginning to 160300000
ENGLSH 4938WAdvanced Screenwriting: Styles - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 732020th-Century American Literature00000
ENGLSH 4955Independent Research in English00000
ENGLSH 4996WHonors Seminar in English - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 7570Adaptation of Literature for the Stage00000
ENGLSH 7520Creative Writing: Advanced Nonfiction Prose00000
ENGLSH 7630Phonology00000
ENGLSH 4166Major Authors, Beginning to 160300000
ENGLSH 7840Culture and Media00000
ENGLSH 7600Structure of American English00000
ENGLSH 8010Theory and Practice of Composition00000
ENGLSH 2601Languages of Africa00000
ENGLSH 8070History of Criticism and Theory00000
ENGLSH 7640Syntax00000
ENGLSH 8210Seminar in Middle English Literature00000
ENGLSH 4179Comparative Approaches to Literature, 1890-Present00000
ENGLSH 8260Seminar in 20th-Century British Literature00000
ENGLSH 7938Advanced Screenwriting: Styles00000
ENGLSH 8510Advanced Writing of Fiction00000
ENGLSH 2009Studies in English, 1890 to Present00000
ENGLSH 7420Africana Womanism00000
ENGLSH 7060Studies in Critical Theory00000
ENGLSH 8020The Theory and Practice of Teaching Literature00000
ENGLSH 1160HThemes in Literature - Honors00000
ENGLSH 4210Medieval Literature00000
ENGLSH 1520Creative Writing: Introduction to Nonfiction Prose00000
ENGLSH 1000HHonors Exposition English00000
ENGLSH 2000HStudies in English - Honors00000
ENGLSH 2880Digital Storytelling Production I00000
ENGLSH 2010Intermediate Composition00000
ENGLSH 1210Introduction to British Literature00000
ENGLSH 2140Twentieth-Century Literature00000
ENGLSH 4480Major African Diaspora Women Writers00000
ENGLSH 2180Introduction to Women's Literature00000
ENGLSH 1530Creative Writing: Introduction to Poetry00000
ENGLSH 1510Creative Writing: Introduction to Fiction00000
ENGLSH 2490Introduction to Indigenous Literatures00000
ENGLSH 2000HWStudies in English - Honors/Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 2830American Film History I, 1895-195000000
ENGLSH 4520Creative Writing: Advanced Nonfiction Prose00000
ENGLSH 2885Digital Storytelling Animation Production I00000
ENGLSH 2015HWTheory and Practice of Tutoring Writing Seminar - Honors/Wri...00000
ENGLSH 3110WSpecial Themes in Literature - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 3110Special Themes in Literature00000
ENGLSH 3200WSurvey of British Literature: Beginnings to 1784 - Writing I...00000
ENGLSH 2150WPopular Literature - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 3400WSurvey of African American Literature, Beginnings to 1900 -...00000
ENGLSH 4570Adaptation of Literature for the Stage00000
ENGLSH 3620Languages of the World00000
ENGLSH 2189WIntroduction to Women's Literature, 1890 to Present - Writin...00000
ENGLSH 4040WStudies in Writing - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 2159Introduction to World Literatures, 1890 to Present00000
ENGLSH 4109WGenres, 1890 to Present - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 2310Missouri Writers00000
ENGLSH 4167Major Authors, 1603-178900000
ENGLSH 4630Phonology00000
ENGLSH 4181Themes in Literature by Women00000
ENGLSH 2510Creative Writing: Intermediate Fiction00000
ENGLSH 431019th-Century American Literature00000
ENGLSH 3200Survey of British Literature: Beginnings to 178400000
ENGLSH 4489WMajor African Diaspora Women Writers, 1890 to Present - Writ...00000
ENGLSH 2840American Film History II, 1950-Present00000
ENGLSH 4995Senior Honors Thesis00000
ENGLSH 4700Special Themes in Folklore00000
ENGLSH 7106Genres, Beginning to 160300000
ENGLSH 3000Intermediate Studies in English00000
ENGLSH 1160Themes in Literature00000
ENGLSH 7109Genres, 1890 to Present00000
ENGLSH 7180Major Women Writers00000
ENGLSH 3119Special Themes in Literature, 1890 to Present00000
ENGLSH 7210Medieval Literature00000
ENGLSH 4935Adaptation of Literature for Film00000
ENGLSH 7409Studies in African Diaspora Literature, 1890-to Present00000
ENGLSH 3210HSurvey of British Literature: Romanticism to the Present - H...00000
ENGLSH 7510Creative Writing: Advanced Fiction00000
ENGLSH 3310Survey of American Literature: 1865-Present00000
ENGLSH 3410Survey of African American Literature, 1900-Present00000
ENGLSH 1060Human Language00000
ENGLSH 1300Readings in American Literature00000
ENGLSH 2000WStudies in English - Writing Intensive00000
ENGLSH 2520Creative Writing: Intermediate Nonfiction Prose00000
ENGLSH 4109Genres, 1890 to Present00000
ENGLSH 7489Major African Diaspora Women Writers, 1789 to 189000000
ENGLSH 7166Major Authors, Beginning to 160300000