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Mizzou Course Reviews

University of Missouri

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
FRENCH 1100Elementary French I21321
FRENCH 3280Commercial French00000
FRENCH 4720Structure of Modern French00000
FRENCH 4993The Capstone Experience in French00000
FRENCH 7130Stylistics00000
FRENCH 7420French Renaissance00000
FRENCH 7960Special Readings in French00000
FRENCH 8085Problems in French00000
FRENCH 8420Studies in Twentieth-Century French Literature00000
FRENCH 1200Elementary French II00000
FRENCH 2100HElementary French III - Honors00000
FRENCH 2310WFrench Civilization - Writing Intensive00000
FRENCH 3001Topics in French-General00000
FRENCH 4410French Medieval Literature00000
FRENCH 3420Introduction to French Culture00000
FRENCH 3430WIntroduction to French Literature II - Writing Intensive00000
FRENCH 4130Stylistics00000
FRENCH 4420French Renaissance00000
FRENCH 4960Special Readings in French00000
FRENCH 7004Topics in French-Social Science00000
FRENCH 7410French Medieval Literature00000
FRENCH 7720Structure of Modern French00000
FRENCH 8080Readings in French00000
FRENCH 8120Bilingualism and Language Contact00000
FRENCH 9090Research in French00000
FRENCH 7980Special Themes in French00000
FRENCH 2100Elementary French III00000
FRENCH 2310French Civilization00000
FRENCH 2330French Literature in Translation II00000
FRENCH 3005Topics in French-Humanities/Fine Arts00000
FRENCH 3410Intro a la pensee critique / Introduction to Critical Analys...00000
FRENCH 4004Topics in French-Social Science00000
FRENCH 4130WStylistics - Writing Intensive00000
FRENCH 4490Nineteenth-Century French Novel00000
FRENCH 4980Special Themes in French00000
FRENCH 7120Foreign Language Teaching Methodology00000
FRENCH 7490Nineteenth-Century French Novel00000
FRENCH 4120Foreign Language Teaching Methodology00000
FRENCH 8087Seminar in French00000
FRENCH 8090Research in French00000
FRENCH 9080Readings in French00000
FRENCH 1100HElementary French I - Honors00000
FRENCH 2001Undergraduate Topics in French-General00000
FRENCH 2160Intermediate French Composition and Conversation00000
FRENCH 2320French Literature and Thought in English Translation I00000
FRENCH 3160Advanced French Composition and Conversation I00000
FRENCH 3420WIntroduction to French Literature I - Writing Intensive00000
FRENCH 3430French Masterworks: Texts and Contexts00000