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Mizzou Course Reviews

University of Missouri

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PLNTSCI 2220Introduction to Floral Design55541
PLNTSCI 2075Environmental Horticulture43451
PLNTSCI 8505Plant Stress Biology00000
PLNTSCI 4500Biology and Pathogenesis of Plant-Associated Microbes00000
PLNTSCI 7820Principles of Insect Physiology00000
PLNTSCI 7325Advanced Plant Breeding00000
PLNTSCI 7002Topics- Lab00000
PLNTSCI 4365Greenhouse Crops Production00000
PLNTSCI 4313Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition00000
PLNTSCI 3252Arboriculture and Pruning00000
PLNTSCI 2250Landscape Site Analysis00000
PLNTSCI 9090Dissertation Research00000
PLNTSCI 8430Introduction to Bioinformatics Programming00000
PLNTSCI 8090Thesis Research00000
PLNTSCI 7710Systematic Entomology00000
PLNTSCI 7350Readings00000
PLNTSCI 7090Nonthesis Research00000
PLNTSCI 7001Topics00000
PLNTSCI 4940Internship in Plant Science00000
PLNTSCI 8720Insect Behavior00000
PLNTSCI 2125Plant Structure and Function00000
PLNTSCI 2110Plants and their Cultivation00000
PLNTSCI 7965Readings in Plant Stress Biology00000
PLNTSCI 7365Greenhouse Crops Production00000
PLNTSCI 7313Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition00000
PLNTSCI 4550Plant Biotechnology00000
PLNTSCI 4315Crop Physiology00000
PLNTSCI 3275Grain Crops00000
PLNTSCI 3110Horticultural Drainage and Irrigation Systems00000
PLNTSCI 2215Ornamental Landscape Plants II00000
PLNTSCI 7975Advanced Landscape Design00000
PLNTSCI 7550Plant Biotechnology00000
PLNTSCI 7315Crop Physiology00000
PLNTSCI 4975Advanced Landscape Design00000
PLNTSCI 4325Advanced Plant Breeding00000
PLNTSCI 3710Introductory Entomology00000
PLNTSCI 3250Green Industry Bidding00000
PLNTSCI 3221Wedding Floral Design00000
PLNTSCI 7320Molecular Plant Physiology00000
PLNTSCI 3213Genetics of Agricultural Plants and Animals00000
PLNTSCI 2221Everyday Floral Design00000
PLNTSCI 2195Grapes and Wines of the World00000
PLNTSCI 1120Career Development00000
PLNTSCI 8441Statistical Applications in Agriculture00000
PLNTSCI 8330Molecular Breeding and Genomic Technology00000
PLNTSCI 8001Topics00000
PLNTSCI 7360Precision Agriculture Science and Technology00000
PLNTSCI 3225Plant Breeding and Genetics00000
PLNTSCI 7085Problems00000
PLNTSCI 4950Undergraduate Research in Plant Science00000
PLNTSCI 4385Problems in Plant Science00000
PLNTSCI 4320Molecular Plant Physiology00000
PLNTSCI 3355Introductory Turfgrass Management00000
PLNTSCI 3254Digital Landscape Graphics00000
PLNTSCI 3222WRetail Floral Management - Writing Intensive00000
PLNTSCI 3210Principles of Weed Science00000
PLNTSCI 8010Professionalism and Ethics00000
PLNTSCI 4002Topics in Plant Science - Biological00000
PLNTSCI 3270Forage Crops00000
PLNTSCI 3230WPlant Propagation - Writing Intensive00000
PLNTSCI 3220Special Occasion Floral Design00000
PLNTSCI 2254Landscape Design00000
PLNTSCI 2210Ornamental Landscape Plants I00000
PLNTSCI 9087Seminar in Plant Science00000
PLNTSCI 8410Advanced Weed Science00000
PLNTSCI 4360Precision Agriculture Science and Technology00000
PLNTSCI 7500Biology and Pathogenesis of Plant-Associated Microbes00000
PLNTSCI 7345Principles of Viticulture and Winemaking00000
PLNTSCI 7087Seminar00000
PLNTSCI 4965Special Readings in Plant Pathology00000
PLNTSCI 4710Systematic Entomology00000
PLNTSCI 4345Principles of Viticulture and Winemaking00000
PLNTSCI 3385Problems in Plant Science00000
PLNTSCI 3260Greenhouse Management00000