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Montevallo Course Reviews

University of Montevallo

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENG 301Issues in Modern Masculinity00000
ENG 431American Literature Before 1865: “The Idea of Equality in...00000
ENG 452Studies in Critical Theory: Critical Race Theory*00000
ENG 455Style and Editing in Environmental Publications00000
ENG 471Laughing to Keep from Dying: African American Satire in the...00000
ENG 473Postcolonial Literature00000
ENG 489French Quarter Fiction: The Literature of Bourbon Street and...00000
ENG 511Staging the Renaissance00000
ENG 528The Art of Modernism: Literary, Visual, and Musical Confluen...00000
ENG 554Contemporary Rhetoric00000
ENG 561Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry00000
ENG 575Sex, Gender, and the Contemporary Global Economy00000
ENG 699Thesis00000
ENG 100Composition Practicum00000
ENG 104Honors Composition II00000
ENG 234“Write What You Know”: The Author on the Page00000
ENG 424Early Modern Literature00000
ENG 307Introduction to the Study of British & American Literature I...00000
ENG 365CWtng Forms: Envir. Narratives00000
ENG 411Staging the Renaissance00000
ENG 419Spec. Topics in Genre: Medieval Romance00000
ENG 439Origins of Comics00000
ENG 454Contemporary Rhetoric00000
ENG 456The Writing Process: Theories and Practices00000
ENG 461Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry00000
ENG 475Sex, Gender, and the Contemporary Global Economy00000
ENG 500Introduction to Graduate Studies00000
ENG 519Spec. Topics in Genre: Medieval Romance00000
ENG 531American Literature Before 1865: “The Idea of Equality in...00000
ENG 555Style and Editing-Env. Publ.00000
ENG 571African-American Literature00000
ENG 590Graduate Seminar: Romeo and Juliet00000
ENG 472Caribbean Literature from (Post)colonialism to Transnational...00000
ENG 231Representations of Family in Global Literature00000
ENG 261Introduction to Creative Writing00000
ENG 302Spec.Topics00000
ENG 305Literature in English Survey I00000
ENG 310Literature for Children00000
ENG 380Advanced Composition00000
ENG 414Studies in Short Fiction00000
ENG 428The Art of Modernism: Literary, Visual, and Musical Confluen...00000
ENG 514Studies in Short Fiction00000
ENG 539Southern Neogothic II: Disability, Hicksploitation, Meat00000
ENG 557Professional and Technical Writing00000
ENG 589French Quarter Fiction: The Literature of Bourbon Street and...00000
ENG 102Composition II00000
ENG 233Literature and Nature00000
ENG 457Professional&Technical Writing00000
ENG 101Composition I00000
ENG 485Am I Human? International Version (Unrated)00000
ENG 505Chaucer00000
ENG 513Studies in the Gothic Novel00000
ENG 524Early Modern Literature00000
ENG 552Studies in Critical Theory: Critical Race Theory*00000
ENG 556The Writing Process: Theories and Practices00000
ENG 573Postcolonial Literature00000
ENG 599Independent Study00000
ENG 103Honors Composition I00000
ENG 232Folk and Fairy Tales00000
ENG 300Introduction to the Major00000
ENG 306Literature in English Survey II00000
ENG 361Fiction00000
ENG 405Chaucer00000
ENG 413Studies in the Gothic Novel00000