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Morehead State Course Reviews

Morehead State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENG 100Writing I45451
POLS 140United States Government52441
ART 265Renaissance-Modern00000
AGR 343LBeef Production Lab00000
ART 414Painting Techniques III00000
APS 201Intro to Appalachia00000
AGR 328Floral Crop Production00000
ART 362Medieval Art00000
AGR 222LLivestock Evaluation Lab00000
AGR 351Emerging Technology in Agr00000
AGR 251Intro to Ag Mech00000
AGR 386Intro Agri Policy00000
AGR 499CSr Seminar in Agriculture00000
AGR 310LStocker & Feedlot Mngt Lab00000
ART 201Arts Entrepreneurship00000
AGR 204Agricultural Economics00000
ART 307Arts Admin & Entrep Practicum00000
AGR 333Adv Hs Horsemanship00000
ART 400Internship00000
ACCT 698Selected Workshop Topics00000
ART 445Ceramics III00000
AGR 243Equine Health & Disease00000
AGR 380Equine Management00000
AGR 109Elem Horseman (SS)00000
AGR 410Principles of Meat Science00000
AGR 300Pest Management00000
AGR 420Farm Animal Reproduction00000
AGR 480LEquine Breed & Repro Lab00000
AGR 307LSoils Lab00000
AGR 615LAnim Nutrition Lab00000
AGR 180Intro to Field Crops00000
ART 112Drawing Foundations00000
AGR 324Greenhouse Structures00000
ART 223Intro to Creativity and Design00000
ACCT 490Cost Accounting II00000
ART 301Field Exp Art Education00000
AGR 330LLivestock Improve Lab00000
ART 321Mat & Meth Sec Art00000
AGR 215Horticultural Science00000
ART 375Intro to Digital Photography00000
AGR 336LDairy Production Lab00000
ART 406Graphic Design IV00000
ACCT 390Cost Accounting I00000
ART 432Advanced 2-D Studies00000
AGR 345Sheep Production00000
ART 46220th Century Art00000
AGR 102Agricultural Experience00000
AGR 361Fundamentals of Precision Agr00000
AGR 245Horseshoeing00000
AGR 384Forage Crops00000
ACCT 399Special Class00000
AGR 405Farm Bus Analysis00000
AGR 261Software Applications in Agr00000
AGR 415LAnim Nutrition Lab00000
AGR 118Inter Horse Stockseat00000
AGR 420LFarm Animal Reproduction Lab00000
AGR 301Farm Management00000
AGR 444Animal Health and Therapeutics00000
AGR 476Special Problems00000
AGR 306Prin of Epidemiology in Agr00000
AGR 480Equine Breed & Repro00000
AGR 133Intro to Animal Science00000
AGR 600Emerging Tech and Impact00000
AGR 308Weed Science00000
AGR 670Directed Research00000
ACCT 483Auditing00000
ART 1023D Foundations00000
AGR 311Soil Conservation00000
ART 160Understand Visual Arts00000
AGR 185Current Food and Energy Issues00000
ART 206Websites I00000
AGR 325LTurf Mgt Lab00000
ART 263World Arts00000
ACCT 387Income Tax00000
ART 295Sophomore Exhibition & Review00000
AGR 329LAdv Stockseat00000
ART 304Drawing II00000
AGR 212Landscape Plants00000
ART 316Watercolor I00000
AGR 332Adv Horsemanship00000
ART 352Lithographic Printmaking00000
ACCT 670Directed Research00000
ART 364Mannerist & Baroque Art00000
AGR 335Equitation Teaching00000
ART 394Sculpture II00000
AGR 221LEquitation Lab00000
ART 404Drawing III00000
AGR 342Horse Production00000
ART 411BDrawing IV00000
ACCT 375Acct Anlys & Fin Decision00000
ART 430Advanced Art Ed Studies00000
AGR 344LSwine Product Lab00000
ART 434Advanced Digital Studies00000
AGR 233LAnimal Disease & Parasite00000
AGR 461Remote Sensing & GIS in Agr00000
AGR 350Farm Power & Mach Mgt00000
ACCT 282Prin Managerial Account00000
ACCT 382Intermediate Acct II00000
ACCT 439Cooperative Ed00000
AGR 120Inter Horseman (HS)00000