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Morehouse Course Reviews

Morehouse College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HFLF 252Intensive Intermediate French00000
HHIS 487Readings in History00000
HCSC 375LOperating Systems Lab00000
HENG 392Creative Writing: Fiction00000
HCTM 365Story Boarding & Editing00000
HCOM 357Legal Argumentation00000
HFLS 251Intensive Spanish (Honors)00000
HBA 434Special Topics in Finance00000
HCSC 461Senior Seminar00000
HBIO 105LMen's Health FYE Lab00000
HENG 271Survey of English Lit. I00000
HEDU 102Transfer Advising 10100000
HBIO 425Sen Sem: Ecology/ Envrmntl Bio00000
HFLC 201GIntermediate Chinese I00000
HBA 321Leadership & Professional Dvlp00000
HFLG 101Elementary German00000
HCSC 260Computer Organization00000
HHIS 112GWorld History:Topical Approach00000
HAAS 300African Identity, Soc Justice00000
HJOU 488Adv. Mltmd & Vsl00000
HBA 466ASp Top: Entrepreneurship00000
HCTM 235Introduction to Film00000
HAFR 201Public His & Mem: Intro Rsch00000
HECO 202GPrinciples of Microeconomics00000
HBIO 114Pop, Communities and Biosphere00000
HENG 121Immigrant Voices FYE00000
HEDU 252Sophomore Assembly00000
HBIO 319Plant Sciences00000
HENG 368Advanced News Writing00000
HART 211Life Drawing I00000
HENG 483Harlem Renaissance00000
HCHE 432Undergraduate Research in Chem00000
HFLC 331Modern Chinese Literature00000
CSTA 255Stage Craft00000
HFLF 332French Phonetics and Readings00000
HCOM 490Directed Study00000
HFLP 201GIntermediate Portuguese00000
HBA 411Tax Accounting00000
HFLS 310Survey of Spanish Amer Lit00000
HCSC 321COOP/Internship00000
HHIS 232History of Modern Europe00000
CAWS 490Intro to Women Studies00000
HHPS 340Stud In Ethnicity:Afr & Jew Am00000
HCSC 415LOrganization of Program Lab00000
HKSP 252Community Recreation00000
HAAS 401Africana Studies Capstone00000
HCSC 490BResearch Projects VIP 100000
HBA 476Customer Relationship Mgmt00000
HCTM 302Screenplay II00000
CFLF 101Elementary French00000
HCTM 420MC: Dir. w/ Kevin Hooks00000
HBIO 111Cell & Molecular Biology00000
HECO 421Topics in Econometrics00000
HAFR 300Africana Studies Theory00000
HEDU 152Freshmen Orientation00000
HBIO 215Molecular Genetics00000
HEGR 320Strategic Proj. STEM00000
HEDU 451Senior Assembly00000
HBIO 315LPrinciples of Biochemistry Lab00000
HENG 247Advanced Grammar and Editing00000
HART 100Contemp Art of Afr Diasp. FYE00000
HENG 310Internship00000
HBIO 340Biostatistics00000
HENG 380Survey of African Amer. Lit. I00000
CMUS 210BUniversity Orchestra00000
HENG 457Caribbean Novel00000
HCHE 422Chemical Instrumentation00000
HENG 499Independent Study00000
HBA 225Legal Environment of Business00000
HFLC 301LAdvanced Chinese Lab00000
HCOM 352Commun in Small Groups & Teams00000
HFLF 201GIntermediate French00000
CART 375Photography II00000
HFLF 319Franco Lit, Lang Cult -Film00000
HCOM 455Persuasion00000
HFLF 446Topics in Francophone Lit00000
HBA 350Management Prin &Org Behavior00000
HFLG 202GIntermediate German00000
HCSC 120Computer Ethics and Human Valu00000
HFLS 102Elementary Spanish II00000
CUSW 412Mental Health of Diverse Group00000
HFLS 306Advance Spanish Grammar00000
HCSC 311Intro to Theory of Computation00000
HFLS 331Spanish American Civilization00000
HBA 421Directed Reading in Business00000
HHIS 216Hist. of U.S. Since187600000
HCSC 350Data Science for the Soul00000
HHIS 262Hist of Latin Amer: Nat'l Peri00000
CART 215Typography and Layout00000
HHIS 491Honors in U.S. History00000
HCSC 410Database Systems00000
HJOU 368Adv. Nws Wrtng : How To Thrive00000
HBA 461Buyer Behavior00000
HCSC 435Software Engineering00000
CART 102Art Foundation II00000
CART 301Art Direction/Design I00000
CHIS 320Afr. Amer. History since 186500000
HAFR 398SpTp: Code and Create Lab00000
HBIO 251LCell Biology Laboratory00000
HEGR 103Engineering Graphics00000