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Morehouse Course Reviews

Morehouse College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HAFR 200Black Lib Move: A Comp Appr00000
HAFR 212Black Aesthetic of Hip Hop00000
HAFR 301Inter Rsrch Frmwk and Fldwk00000
HAFR 375Africana Muslims00000
HAFR 401Africana Studies Capstone00000
HAFR 202Hist & Cult Prsv:Telling Stori00000
HAFR 300Africana Studies Theory00000
HAFR 398SpTp: Code and Create Lab00000
HAFR 498Indep Study Africana Studies00000
HAFR 100The African American Exp FYE00000
HAFR 201Public His & Mem: Intro Rsch00000
HAFR 250Social and Cult Hist of MC00000
HAFR 360African Diasporic Cultures00000
HAFR 400Africana Studies Capstone, I00000
HAFR 101Intro to Africana Studies00000
HAFR 210The Black Aesthetic of 1960s00000
HAFR 302Museum Collection Care of HO00000
HAFR 399Spec.Topics. Intro to Gender00000