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Morehouse Course Reviews

Morehouse College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HCSC 106Intro. to Computer Science I00000
HCSC 110LComputer Program I Lab00000
HCSC 160LComputer Program II Lab00000
HCSC 160Computer Programming II00000
HCSC 221COOP/Internship00000
HCSC 255Research Proj: AI Discovery00000
HCSC 260Computer Organization00000
HCSC 310Data Structures & Algorithm An00000
HCSC 320Technology I(Cyber Security)00000
HCSC 340Human Computer Interaction00000
HCSC 361Junior Seminar00000
HCSC 401Computer Graphics00000
HCSC 415LOrganization of Program Lab00000
HCSC 425Artificial Intelligence00000
HCSC 436Advanced Software Eng (GITLAB)00000
HCSC 461Senior Seminar00000
HCSC 490CResearch Project VIP 100000
HCSC 491Research Projects00000
HCSC 110Comp Pogramming I (C++)00000
HCSC 120Computer Ethics and Human Valu00000
HCSC 260LComputer Organization Lab00000
HCSC 310LData Structures Lab00000
HCSC 313Fund Prog In Bioinformatics00000
HCSC 330Web Programming00000
HCSC 375Operating Systems00000
HCSC 385Mobile App Dev(CloudComputing)00000
HCSC 415CSC 415/415L – Programming Languages00000
HCSC 420Artificial Intelligence00000
HCSC 440Design & Analysis of Algorithm00000
HCSC 460Senior CapstoneProject(Amazon)00000
HCSC 480ASpec. Top.Broaden Partic in CS00000
HCSC 490Research Projects00000
HCSC 495Independent Study00000
HCSC 285Discrete Structures00000
HCSC 311Intro to Theory of Computation00000
HCSC 321COOP/Internship00000
HCSC 350Data Science for the Soul00000
HCSC 375LOperating Systems Lab00000
HCSC 410Database Systems00000
HCSC 412Mgmt Info Syst (Data Science)00000
HCSC 418Full Stack Development00000
HCSC 435Software Engineering00000
HCSC 450High-Performance Scientific Co00000
HCSC 480Spec Top: Sales Engineering00000
HCSC 490AResearch Project VIP 100000
HCSC 490BResearch Projects VIP 100000
HCSC 491AResearch Proj: Advanced A.I.00000