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Morgan State Course Reviews

Morgan State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PHYS 205University Physics I (Bp)00000
PHYS 206LUniversity Physics II-Lab(Bp)00000
PHYS 303Electricity and Magnetism, PHYS 303 Fall 202000000
PHYS 308Heat and Thermodynamics00000
PHYS 401Optics00000
PHYS 409Experimental Physics00000
PHYS 500Math Methods in Physics00000
PHYS 526Biophysics00000
PHYS 531Electromagnetic Theory, PHYS 531 Fall 202100000
PHYS 789Supervised Research In Physics00000
PHYS 797Thesis Guidance00000
PHYS 203LGen Phys: Fund Phys I-Lab(Bp)00000
PHYS 204LGen Phys Fund Phys II Lab00000
PHYS 300Modern Physics I00000
PHYS 305Math Physics I Vector Anal00000
PHYS 310Astronomy & Space Science (Bp)00000
PHYS 407Adv Topics In Physics00000
PHYS 412Lab Use of Microcomputers00000
PHYS 525Computational Physics00000
PHYS 528Quantum Mechanics I00000
PHYS 535Survey Current Materials Phys00000
PHYS 790Seminar In Physics00000
PHYS 799Thesis Defense00000
PHYS 791Seminar in Physics00000
PHYS 204Gen Phys: Fund of Physics II00000
PHYS 206University Physics II (Bp)00000
PHYS 302Analytical Mechanics II00000
PHYS 306Solid State & Digital Electron00000
PHYS 312Properties of Materials00000
PHYS 406Math Phys II: Math Meth in Phy00000
PHYS 498Senior Internship00000
PHYS 511Classical Mechanic00000
PHYS 530Solid State Physics00000
PHYS 788Supervised Research in Physics00000
PHYS 001Physics Senior Comp00000
PHYS 203Gen Phys: Fund of Phys (Bp)00000
PHYS 205LUniversity Physics I Lab(Bp)00000
PHYS 301Analytical Mechanics I00000
PHYS 304Electricity & Magnetism II00000
PHYS 311Acoustics & You (Bp)00000
PHYS 408Intro to Quantum Mechn (Bp)00000
PHYS 499Sen Rsch or Tchg/Tutorial Asst00000
PHYS 529Quantum Mechanics II00000
PHYS 793Master's Pre-Candidacy00000
PHYS 101Intro to Physics (Bp)00000