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MSSU Course Reviews

Missouri Southern State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MET 0100Introduction to Machine Tool Processes00000
MET 0220Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers00000
MET 0304CNC Project and Cost Analysis00000
MET 0499Independent Study in MT00000
MET 0210Industrial Robotics00000
MET 0301Modern Project Management00000
MET 0491Internship in Manufacturing Engineering Technology00000
MET 0145Industrial Automation00000
MET 0240Engineering Materials00000
MET 0330Automation Maintenance and Troubleshooting00000
MET 0200Computer Numerical Control00000
MET 0302CNC Project & Cost Analysis00000
MET 0498Modern Project Management00000