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MSU Texas Course Reviews

Midwestern State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CMPS 5013Fundmntl Computer Architecture00000
CMPS 1063Data Structures and ADT00000
CMPS 2143Object-Oriented Programming00000
CMPS 3013Adv Structures & Algorithms00000
CMPS 3233Theory of Computation00000
CMPS 4103Intro Operating Systems00000
CMPS 4123Database Managements Systems00000
CMPS 4213Intro to Computer Graphics00000
CMPS 4433Computer Communic & Networks00000
CMPS 4453Computer Architecture00000
CMPS 4563Top Parallel-Distrib Comp: HPC00000
CMPS 4773Internship in Computer Science00000
CMPS 4991Seminar Social Responsibility00000
CMPS 1023The Digital Culture00000
CMPS 5113Adv Programming Lang Concepts00000
CMPS 5143Adv Operating Systems00000
CMPS 5203Embedded Systems00000
CMPS 5223Lang Translators/Interpreters00000
CMPS 5303Adv Database Mgmt Systems00000
CMPS 5323Grad Top-Computational Sci: AI00000
CMPS 5353Grad Top-Comp Graph & Visualzt00000
CMPS 5373GrdTop Pltfrm-Bsd Dv: Int Prog00000
CMPS 5433Tp:Prl/Dist Sy:GPU Programming00000
CMPS 5463App Sft Cmpt:Natural Computing00000
CMPS 6901Ind Grad Study in Computer Sci00000
CMPS 4993Ind Std CMPS: Network Security00000
CMPS 1044Computer Science I00000
CMPS 2084Intro Computer Architecture00000
CMPS 2433Discrete Structures & Analysis00000
CMPS 3023Logic Design00000
CMPS 3663Intro to Cyber Security00000
CMPS 4113Software Engineering00000
CMPS 4143Top:Cont Prog Lang:Java/Python00000
CMPS 4233Artificial Intelligence00000
CMPS 4443Platform Based: Mobile Apps00000
CMPS 4553Top CMPT: Spatial Data Structs00000
CMPS 4663Topic: Computer Forensics00000
CMPS 4883Top CMPS:Modeling & Simulation00000
CMPS 1013Computer Concepts & Applicatns00000
CMPS 5016Fundmntls Computer Programming00000
CMPS 5133Adv Computer Architecture00000
CMPS 5153Adv Software Engineering00000
CMPS 5213Wireless Computer Comm/Netwrk00000
CMPS 5243Algorithm Analysis00000
CMPS 5313Automata Theory00000
CMPS 5333Grad Top:Modeling & Simulation00000
CMPS 5363Grd Top:CMPS: Network Security00000
CMPS 5383Topic: SW Quality Assurance00000
CMPS 5443Adv Topics in CMPS: HCI00000
CMPS 5993Ind Grad Study in Computer Sci00000