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MSU Texas Course Reviews

Midwestern State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEOS 4912Ind Study in Geo Sci/Env Sci00000
GEOS 3034Oceanography00000
GEOS 3134Mineralogy00000
GEOS 3234Petrology00000
GEOS 3434Structural Geology00000
GEOS 3534Invertebrate Paleobiology00000
GEOS 4001Geosciences Seminar00000
GEOS 4134Applied Petroleum Geology00000
GEOS 4533Intro Ore Deposits-Energy Rsrc00000
GEOS 4694Mass Extinctions & Global Chng00000
GEOS 4844Environmental Geophysics00000
GEOS 1234Historical Geology00000
GEOS 5033GIS for Geosciences00000
GEOS 5123Advanced Formation Evaluation00000
GEOS 5143App Geology Unconvn Reservoirs00000
GEOS 5243Geochemistry00000
GEOS 5323Clastic Dep Sys & Seq Stratigr00000
GEOS 5433Adv Struct Geol & Geodynamics00000
GEOS 5733Fluvial Geomorphology00000
GEOS 5911Ind Grad Study in Geosciences00000
GEOS 5913Ind Grad Study in Geosciences00000
GEOS 6983Thesis I00000
GEOS 4913Ind Study in Geo Sci/Env Sci00000
GEOS 3014Meteorology-Climate/Clim Chng00000
GEOS 3044Geographic Info Systems (GIS)00000
GEOS 3424Geology of the Solar System00000
GEOS 3533Solid Earth & Explor Geophys00000
GEOS 3734Geomorphology00000
GEOS 4034Petroleum Geology00000
GEOS 4233Groundwater Hydrology00000
GEOS 4534Sedimentology & Stratigraphy00000
GEOS 4734Hydrology00000
GEOS 4911Ind Study in Geo Sci/Env Sci00000
GEOS 1134Physical Geology00000
GEOS 5082Special Grad Topic Geosciences00000
GEOS 5133Petroleum Play Analysis00000
GEOS 5313Carbonate Dep Sys/Stratigraphy00000
GEOS 5413Tectonic Orig North Amer Geol00000
GEOS 5553Electron Microscopy & Analysis00000
GEOS 5863Seismic Interpretation00000
GEOS 5912Ind Grad Study in Geosciences00000
GEOS 6001Grad Seminar in Geosciences00000
GEOS 6993Thesis II00000