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MSU Course Reviews

Michigan State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANP 200Navigating Another Culture00000
ANP 203Introduction to Archaeology00000
ANP 220Gender Relations Comp Persp00000
ANP 264Great Discoveries Archaeology00000
ANP 320Social and Cultural Theory00000
ANP 325Anthropology of the Environment and Development00000
ANP 363Rise of Civilization00000
ANP 370Culture, Health, and Illness00000
ANP 411North American Indian Ethnography00000
ANP 415China00000
ANP 417Intro to Islam in Africa00000
ANP 420Language and Culture00000
ANP 425Issues in Medical Anthropology00000
ANP 429Ethnographic Field Methods00000
ANP 433Contemp Amer Indian Commun00000
ANP 437Asian Communities00000
ANP 440Hominid Fossils00000
ANP 443Human Adaptability00000
ANP 455Archaeology of Ancient Egypt00000
ANP 462Frontiers & Coloniz Hist Arch00000
ANP 476Internship in Anthropology00000
ANP 488Museum Curatorial Practices00000
ANP 490Independent Study00000
ANP 810Anthropology and History00000
ANP 812Violence and the State00000
ANP 820Language and Cultural Meaning00000
ANP 826International Development00000
ANP 829Res Meth in Cultl Anthropology00000
ANP 201Introduction to Cultural Anthropology00000
ANP 206Introduction to Physical Anthropology00000
ANP 236The Anthropology of Peace and Justice00000
ANP 270Women and Health00000
ANP 321Anthropology of Social Movements00000
ANP 330Race, Ethnicity, and Nation00000
ANP 364Fake Archaeology00000
ANP 410Anthropology of Latin America00000
ANP 412Method and Practice in Digital00000
ANP 419Anthropology of the Middle East00000
ANP 422Religion and Culture00000
ANP 426Urban Anthropology00000
ANP 432American Indian Women00000
ANP 436Globalization and Justice00000
ANP 439Human Rights00000
ANP 441Osteology & Forensic Anthrop00000
ANP 452North American Archaeology00000
ANP 461Method and Theory in Historical Archaeology00000
ANP 463Lab Methods in Archaeology00000
ANP 485Foundations of Museum Studies00000
ANP 489Anthropology Capstone Course (W)00000
ANP 492Special Topics in Museum Studies00000
ANP 811Knowledge, Memory, and Archives00000
ANP 815Transnational Processes and Identities00000
ANP 822Religion and Ritual00000
ANP 830Cultural and Linguistic Anthropological Theory00000
ANP 834Medical Anthropology00000
ANP 835Topics in Medical Anthroplogy00000
ANP 840Biocultural Evolution00000
ANP 842Human Osteology00000
ANP 843Bioarchaeology00000
ANP 844Topics in Forensic Anthropology00000
ANP 845Paleopathology00000
ANP 846Quantitative Methods in Anthropology00000
ANP 850Prin of Archaeological Anly00000
ANP 854Archaeological Theory00000
ANP 858Gender, Justice and Environmental Change00000
ANP 859Gender/Environmental Methods00000
ANP 870Prof Issues in Anthropology00000
ANP 886Fundamentals of Museum Studies00000
ANP 890AIndividual Readings00000
ANP 890BIndividual Research00000
ANP 892Seminar in Anthropology00000
ANP 893Professional Internship00000
ANP 894Forensic Anthropology Internship in Forensic Pathology00000
ANP 895Special Topics in Museum Studies00000
ANP 897Practicum in Museum Studies00000
ANP 899Master's Thesis Research00000
ANP 999Doctoral Dissertation Research00000