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MSU Course Reviews

Michigan State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
KIN 365Sensorimotor Control21231
KIN 103RWeight Training I00000
KIN 995Research Practicum Kinesiology00000
KIN 101USailing00000
KIN 101MGreat Lakes Sailing00000
KIN 101ASwimming I00000
KIN 102NIntro to Wing Chun00000
KIN 102CKarate I00000
KIN 103GPower Walking00000
KIN 103SSwim Conditioning00000
KIN 941Motivational Processes in Sport and Exercise00000
KIN 103DGeneral Conditioning I00000
KIN 106CBowling I00000
KIN 107ETennis I00000
KIN 108RSoccer, Indoor00000
KIN 108PSoftball I00000
KIN 109Specialized Sports and Physical Activities00000
KIN 112BKarate II00000
KIN 113PWeight Training IV00000
KIN 113CGeneral Conditioning III00000
KIN 838General Medical Cond Athl Tra00000
KIN 456Ethical Issues In Athletics00000
KIN 490Independent Study00000
KIN 492Internship00000
KIN 496Internship00000
KIN 806Athletic Training Practicum 500000
KIN 812Cardioresp Resp to Exercise00000
KIN 816Lifecourse Exercise Physiology00000
KIN 832Lower Body Physical Assessment00000
KIN 835Pharmacology Athletic Trainers00000
KIN 117BTennis II00000
KIN 850Special Topics in Sport Coach00000
KIN 854Legal/Admn Issues of Coaching00000
KIN 858Student Athlete Development00000
KIN 861Growth Maturation & Phys Act00000
KIN 868Skill Development in Athletes00000
KIN 880Sport and Leadership Practicum00000
KIN 885Sport Biomechanics00000
KIN 894Field Experiences Kinesiology00000
KIN 899Master's Thesis Research00000
KIN 859Scholastic Athletic Admin00000
KIN 803Athletic Training Practicum 200000
KIN 811Physiol Eval & Exer Prescript00000
KIN 815Essentials Strength & Cond00000
KIN 822Rehab Tech Muscul Dysfuc00000
KIN 833Lower Body Therapeutic Interventions00000
KIN 836Upper Body Physical Assessment00000
KIN 840Psychosocial Aspects of Physical Activity00000
KIN 852Ethics in Sport Coaching/Lead00000
KIN 855Psychosocial Bases of Coaching00000
KIN 494Fieldwork00000
KIN 862Neural Basis of Human Movement00000
KIN 870Physical Activity & Well-Being00000
KIN 871Research Methods in Kinesiology00000
KIN 883Health Care Administration for Athletic Trainers00000
KIN 890Independent Study Kinesiology00000
KIN 896Capstone Coaching Leadership00000
KIN 921Biopsychosocial Aspects of Athletic Injury00000
KIN 960Issues in Motor Behavior00000
KIN 999Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
KIN 330Biomechanics of Physical Activity00000
KIN 427Clin Rotate Ath Train00000
KIN 118ABasketball II00000
KIN 126Introduction to Athletic Injury00000
KIN 173Foundations of Kinesiology00000
KIN 204Sailing and Cruising00000
KIN 217Applied Human Anatomy Laboratory00000
KIN 250Measurement in Kinesiology00000
KIN 300DCoaching Basketball00000
KIN 300CCoaching Soccer00000
KIN 113NGeneral Conditioning IV00000
KIN 360Physical Growth and Motor Behavior00000
KIN 400Principles of Coaching I00000
KIN 411Laboratory Experiences in Exercise Physiology00000
KIN 423Therapeutic Modalities00000
KIN 426Upper Body Injury Evaluation00000
KIN 445Sport and Physical Activity in Society (W)00000
KIN 457Sports and Cardiovascular Nutr00000
KIN 493Internship00000
KIN 424Psychology of Injury00000
KIN 127Taping and Bracing in Athletic Injury00000
KIN 174Human Medical Terminology00000
KIN 205Lifeguarding00000
KIN 227Obs/Intro Clinical Skls AT00000
KIN 251Principles of Human Movement00000
KIN 310Physiological Bases of Physical Activity00000
KIN 355Phys Activ & Hlth Educ Teacher00000
KIN 401Principles of Coaching II00000
KIN 421Lower Body Injury Evaluation00000
KIN 121The Healthy Lifestyle00000
KIN 443Psychophysio Aspects of KIN00000
KIN 454Facility Planning & Constr00000
KIN 465Adapted Physical Activity00000
KIN 491Spec Top in Kinesiology00000
KIN 495Undergrad Experiences Research00000
KIN 804Athletic Training Pract III00000
KIN 810Metabolic Responses Exercise00000
KIN 813Neuromuscular Responses to Exercise00000
KIN 820Adv Clin Eval00000
KIN 107BRacquetball I00000
KIN 101NIntro to Stand-up Paddleboarding, Kayaking & Canoeing00000
KIN 102AJudo I00000
KIN 102KTae Kwon Do I00000
KIN 102MKendo I00000
KIN 103VBoxing Conditioning00000
KIN 103AAerobic Exercise I00000
KIN 103CAerobic Exercise, Low Impact00000
KIN 103UStep Aerobics00000
KIN 106WYoga00000
KIN 825Inj Cntrl Sprts & Phys Activt00000
KIN 108FSoccer I00000
KIN 108WWheelchair Sports00000
KIN 111ASwimming II00000
KIN 113EWeight Training II00000
KIN 113VBoxing Conditioning II00000
KIN 113AAerobic Exercise II00000
KIN 116ABowling II00000
KIN 118EVolleyball II00000
KIN 216Applied Human Anatomy00000
KIN 111GSCUBA Diving II00000
KIN 113BGeneral Conditioning II00000
KIN 113WBoxing Conditioning III00000
KIN 113FWeight Training III00000
KIN 116BGolf II00000
KIN 118CSoccer II00000
KIN 125First Aid and Personal Safety00000
KIN 171Athletics in Higher Education00000
KIN 202Aerobic Exercise Instruction00000
KIN 108CIce Hockey I00000
KIN 228Clin Rotation/Skills Intro AT00000
KIN 300ACoaching Baseball00000
KIN 320Pathology of Sports Injury00000
KIN 345Sport and Exercise Psychology (W)00000
KIN 371Introduction to Research Methods in Kinesiology00000
KIN 402Coaching for Strength, Conditioning and Fitness00000
KIN 422Adv Rehab of Athletic Injuries00000
KIN 425Org & Admn Athl Train00000
KIN 893Internship in Kinesiology00000
KIN 834Evidence Based Practice in Athletic Training00000
KIN 837Upper Body Therapeutic Interve00000
KIN 849Theory/Practice Sport Leaders00000
KIN 853Athletic Admin in Higher Ed00000
KIN 857Promoting Pos Yth Dev/Sport00000
KIN 860Growth and Motor Behavior00000
KIN 865Stages of Athlete Development00000
KIN 872Coaching Science00000
KIN 884Spine Evaluations and Advanced Rehabilitation00000
KIN 101TSCUBA Diving I00000
KIN 897Project in Kinesiology00000
KIN 940Issues Psychosoc Phys Act00000
KIN 990Independent Study Kinesiology00000
KIN 103TDistance Running00000
KIN 106EGolf I00000
KIN 106SArchery00000
KIN 108KVolleyball I00000
KIN 108ABasketball I00000