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MSU Course Reviews

Michigan State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MI 211Doc Film History and Theory00000
MI 230Game Design00000
MI 241Filmmaking I00000
MI 301Bringing Media to Market00000
MI 311Intro to Doc Filmmaking00000
MI 333Advanced Game Development00000
MI 335Film Directing00000
MI 341Filmmaking II00000
MI 344Sound Design00000
MI 350Evaluating HCT00000
MI 355Media and Information Research00000
MI 361Network Management & Security00000
MI 402Topics in Game Studies (W)00000
MI 411Documentary Design/Production00000
MI 430Game Writing (W)00000
MI 435BCreating the Fict Film (W)00000
MI 442Cinema and TV Projects (W)00000
MI 447Graphics and Animation Portfolio (W)00000
MI 452Media Entrepreneurship and Business Strategies00000
MI 480Information and Communication Technologies and Development00000
MI 488ICT Development Project (W)00000
MI 498Collaborative Game Design (W)00000
MI 831Theories of Games and Interaction Design00000
MI 844Interaction Design00000
MI 851Understanding Social Media00000
MI 875ICT Development00000
MI 891Spec Topics in Media Info00000
MI 899Master's Thesis Research00000
MI 921Media Theory00000
MI 990Independent Study00000
MI 220Methods for Understanding Users00000
MI 239Digital Footprints00000
MI 291Special Topics00000
MI 305Media and Information Policy00000
MI 330Game Level Design00000
MI 337Compositing and Special Effects00000
MI 343Audio Production00000
MI 349Web Design and Development00000
MI 360Media and Information Management00000
MI 401Topics in Information Science (W)00000
MI 411BAdv Doc Filmmaking II (W)00000
MI 420Interactive Prototyping00000
MI 435ACreating the Fiction Film I00000
MI 441Adv Lighting and Camera00000
MI 444Information Technology Project00000
MI 450Human-Centered Technology (W)00000
MI 462Social Media and Social Computing00000
MI 484Building Innovative Interfaces (W)00000
MI 803Intro Quantitative Research00000
MI 841Understanding Users00000
MI 846Game and Film Design Studio II00000
MI 861Media and Information Technologies in Organizations00000
MI 890Independent Study00000
MI 912IT Transactional Perspectives00000
MI 985Analysis for Media00000
MI 992Doctoral Seminar00000
MI 201Introduction to Information Science00000
MI 231Game and Interactive Media Development00000
MI 247Three-Dimensional Graphics and Design00000
MI 302Networks, Markets and Society00000
MI 320Reasoning with Data00000
MI 327Advanced Concept Design00000
MI 334eSports and Online Broadcasting00000
MI 339Games and Society00000
MI 342Multi-Camera Production00000
MI 347Adv 3D Computer Animation00000
MI 351Producing for Cinema and TV00000
MI 377Advanced 3D Modeling00000
MI 411AAdv Doc Filmmaking I (W)00000
MI 419Projection Design00000
MI 431Advanced Game Development00000
MI 440Advanced Video Editing00000
MI 443Audio Industry Design &Mgt (W)00000
MI 449Adv Web Dev and Databases00000
MI 455Game Design & Development II00000
MI 482Building Virtual Worlds (W)00000
MI 490Independent Study00000
MI 493Internship00000
MI 820Theories of Media and Information00000
MI 839Game and Film Design Studio I00000
MI 845Usability and Accessibility00000
MI 852Media and Info Economics00000
MI 877Global Media and Comm00000
MI 898Master's Project00000
MI 900Media & Info Theory Building00000
MI 960Media and Technology00000
MI 991Ways of Knowing00000
MI 101Understanding Media and Information00000
MI 227Concept Design for Games, Film, and TV00000
MI 250Intro Applied Programming00000
MI 304Information and Society00000
MI 332Game Interface Design00000
MI 445Game Design and Development I00000
MI 472Digital Business00000
MI 486Serious Game Design00000
MI 491Special Topics00000
MI 497Game Design Studio00000
MI 830Foundations of Serious Games00000
MI 842Design & Devel Media Projects00000
MI 850Media and Information Policy00000
MI 862Managing Digital Enterprises00000
MI 893Media and Information Internship00000
MI 916Qualitative Research Methods00000
MI 975Introductory Methods00000
MI 993Res Practicum in Info & Media00000