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MSU Course Reviews

Michigan State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MTH 103College Algebra12221
MTH 411Abstract Algebra II51451
MTH 415Applied Linear Algebra00000
MTH 103ECol Algebra Workshop for MEP00000
MTH 101Quantitative Literacy I00000
MTH 1825Intermediate Algebra00000
MTH 994Special Topics in Applied Mathematics00000
MTH 993Special Topics in Geometry00000
MTH 126Survey of Calculus II00000
MTH 990Reading in Mathematics00000
MTH 988Representation Theory I00000
MTH 961Algebraic Topology II00000
MTH 950Numerical Mthds Part Dif Eq I00000
MTH 943Hyperbolic & Dispersive Equ00000
MTH 940Topics in PDE for Applied Math00000
MTH 928Real Analysis II00000
MTH 921Operator Theory00000
MTH 918Number Theory I00000
MTH 914Lie Groups and Algebras00000
MTH 910Commutative Algebra00000
MTH 890Readings in Mathematics00000
MTH 879Teaching College Mathematics00000
MTH 850Numerical Analysis I00000
MTH 842Boundary Value Problems II00000
MTH 828Real Analysis I00000
MTH 491BTeamwork Experience00000
MTH 481Discrete Mathematics I00000
MTH 459Const & Eval Actuarial Models00000
MTH 455Actuarial Models I00000
MTH 432Axiomatic Geometry00000
MTH 419HHonors Algebra II00000
MTH 996Special Topics in Topology00000
MTH 840Chaos and Dynamical Systems00000
MTH 102Quantitative Literacy II00000
MTH 991Special Topics in Algebra00000
MTH 989Representation Theory II00000
MTH 970Dynamics I00000
MTH 960Algebraic Topology I00000
MTH 941Linear and Nonlinear Parabolic00000
MTH 930Riemannian Geometry I00000
MTH 922Harmonic Analysis00000
MTH 919Number Theory II00000
MTH 916Introduction to Algebraic Geometry I00000
MTH 912Group Theory I00000
MTH 880Combinatorics I00000
MTH 852Num Mthd Ordinary Dif Equation00000
MTH 844Projects in Industrial Math00000
MTH 152HHonors Calculus I00000
MTH 818Algebra I00000
MTH 496Capstone in Mathematics (W)00000
MTH 482Discrete Mathematics II00000
MTH 461Metric and Topological Spaces00000
MTH 456Actuarial Models II00000
MTH 442Partial Differential Equations00000
MTH 428HHonors Complex Analysis00000
MTH 418HHonors Algebra I00000
MTH 414Linear Algebra II00000
MTH 360Theory of Mathematical Interest00000
MTH 330Higher Geometry00000
MTH 310Abstract Algebra I and Number Theory00000
MTH 304Algebra for Elementary and Middle School Teachers00000
MTH 234Multivariable Calculus00000
MTH 841Boundary Value Problems I00000
MTH 254HHonors Multivariable Calculus00000
MTH 201Elementary Mathematics for Teachers I00000
MTH 133Calculus II00000
MTH 114Trigonometry00000
MTH 103ACollege Algebra I00000
MTH 942Reg for Second Order Ellip Equ00000
MTH 931Riemannian Geometry II00000
MTH 925Random Variables Stoch Proc00000
MTH 920Functional Analysis00000
MTH 917Algebraic Geometry II00000
MTH 913Group Theory II00000
MTH 881Graph Theory00000
MTH 868Geometry and Topology I00000
MTH 847Partial Differential Equations I00000
MTH 317HHonors Linear Algebra00000
MTH 810Error-Correcting Codes00000
MTH 491AActuarial Internship00000
MTH 468Predictive Analytics00000
MTH 457Introduction to Financial Math00000
MTH 451Numerical Analysis I00000
MTH 429HHonors Real Analysis00000
MTH 421Analysis II00000
MTH 417Topics in Number Theory00000
MTH 340Ordinary Differential Equations I00000
MTH 314Matrix Algebra with Computational Applications00000
MTH 305Funct & Calculus for Elem (W)00000
MTH 235Differential Equations00000
MTH 153HHonors Calculus II00000
MTH 132Calculus I00000
MTH 849Partial Differential Equations00000
MTH 327HHonors Introduction to Analysis00000
MTH 320Analysis I00000
MTH 309Linear Algebra I00000
MTH 301Foundations of Higher Mathematics00000
MTH 299Transitions00000
MTH 202Elementary Mathematics for Teachers II00000
MTH 124Survey of Calculus I00000
MTH 116College Algebra and Trigonometry00000
MTH 103BCollege Algebra II00000
MTH 100EInt Algebra Workshop for MEP00000
MTH 999Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
MTH 992Special Topics in Analysis00000
MTH 882Combinatorics II00000
MTH 869Geometry and Topology II00000
MTH 361Financial Mathematics for Actuaries I00000
MTH 843Survey of Industrial Mathematics00000
MTH 829Complex Analysis I00000
MTH 819Algebra II00000
MTH 492HUndergraduate Thesis (W)00000
MTH 490Directed Studies00000
MTH 467Insurance operations00000
MTH 458Financial Mathematics for Actuaries II00000
MTH 452Numerical Analysis II00000
MTH 441Ordinary Differential Equations II00000
MTH 425Complex Analysis00000
MTH 416Introduction to Algebraic Coding00000
MTH 396Capstone Secondary Educ (W)00000
MTH 347HHon Ordinary Diff Equations00000