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MTSU Course Reviews

Middle Tennessee State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AAS 2020Themes in Literature and Culture: The African American Exper...00000
AAS 2100Introduction to African American Studies00000
AAS 4240Race and Ethnic Relations00000
AAS 4990Independent Study in African American Studies00000
AAS 2050Survey African American History II00000
AAS 3514People and Cultures of Africa00000
AAS 4755Race and Place: The Struggle for Fair Housing Since 190000000
AAS 2040Survey African American History I00000
AAS 3200Cultural Diversity: Competency for Practice00000
AAS 4600Interdisciplinary Seminar in African American Studies: Harle...00000
AAS 3250Perspectives on Black Psychology00000
AAS 4750African American Social and Intellectual History00000