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MTSU Course Reviews

Middle Tennessee State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ACSI 6600Problems in Actuarial Science00000
ACSI 6040Actuarial Models for Financial Economics00000
ACSI 5630Mathematics of Risk Management00000
ACSI 5140Mathematical Foundations of Actuarial Science00000
ACSI 4600Problems in Actuarial Science00000
ACSI 4280Undergraduate Research00000
ACSI 4200Introduction to Mathematics of Investment00000
ACSI 6020Construction and Evaluation of Actuarial Models00000
ACSI 5240Mathematics of Interest Theory, Economics, and Finance00000
ACSI 5200Introduction to Mathematics of Investment00000
ACSI 4530Rate and Making and Loss Reserving00000
ACSI 4240Mathematics of Interest Theory, Economics and Finance00000
ACSI 4140Mathematical Foundations of Actuarial Science00000
ACSI 4220Mathematics of Corporate Finance00000
ACSI 6030Actuarial Models for Life Contingencies00000
ACSI 5530Rate Making and Loss Reserving00000
ACSI 5220Mathematics for Corporate Finance00000
ACSI 4640Mathematics of Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives00000
ACSI 4340Actuarial Mathematics II00000
ACSI 4230Mathematics of Compound Interest00000
ACSI 6110Predictive Analytics00000
ACSI 6010Introduction to Loss Models00000
ACSI 5230Mathematics of Compound Interest00000
ACSI 4630Mathematics of Risk Management00000
ACSI 4330Actuarial Mathematics I00000